JFF...If You Had to Vote TODAY,

Updated on January 30, 2012
F.H. asks from Gilbert, AZ
30 answers

who would you vote for?

(for Prez) =)

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answers from Charlotte on

Obama. I don't believe in the republicans' platforms on helping the economy. When they have their way getting rid of regulations, the investment banks will blow us into another Great Depression. They hate regulations SO much that they sell regular Americans down the river in favor of millionaires and billionaires.


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answers from Seattle on

Obama, hands down. He's the only intelligent candidate, and he got us out of a war that we had no business being in...an illegal war that the last president got us into. Obama has done more in his presidency than Bush ever did.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Obama. Plain & simple.

All of the others scare me...especially Newt "Freddie Mac" Gingrich, and "Rapper" Mitt Romney....who knows 'the secret'....of how to get rich....and he'll tell you....IF you pay him enough!

My vote won't change. Not tomorrow, next month, etc.

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answers from Boston on

Today, tomorrow, and at election time...Obama

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answers from Houston on

It will NOT be Obama that is for sure. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a good president. Obama couldn't find a clue with a map and a flash light.

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answers from Des Moines on

I don't want to start anything on here because I will admit...I don't know enough about politics to argue and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I would never vote for Obama. Yikes!

Romney has my vote.

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answers from Champaign on

Obama! Seriously, I have no reason to even consider another option. He'll always have my vote :-)

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answers from Reno on

Not Obama that's for dang sure!! I always wished Condi Rice would run though.

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answers from Dallas on

Anyone except Obama.

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answers from Miami on

Romney. Any person who was recruited into "saving" the Salt Lake City Olympic just after 9/11 and turn it into a major success in 2002 - despite visa and travel policies bordering on insane, a public that was not interested in flying (as seen by the incredible decrease in airline passengers in the year after 9/11) surely has demonstrated some amount of leadership skills in both the domestic and international arenas. He was successful as a business person, as the head of the Salt Lake City Olympics, and also as governor (whether you like his policies or not, the people of MA liked him).

The change I got with Obama was small change - as in both of our paychecks went from $$ to cents!


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answers from Atlanta on

Ron Paul.

He scares people because he wants the Constitution followed and respected again. Something our country has lost sight of...for many years.

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answers from Dallas on

Any one that is opposet from Obama!!!!!!!

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answers from Chicago on

Rick Santorum--he is my ideal candidate. I agree with him on pretty much everything he has said/done so far

I am pretty sure he won't be around by the time the IL primary comes up, so I will vote for Gingrich if Santorum is no longer an option.

I have not one shred of desire to keep President Obama in office.

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answers from Cincinnati on

I like Newt Gingrich and his stances on most of the key issues. However, I'm not confident that he can beat Obama. So for that reason, I will most likely vote for Romney in the primary. I think that Romney is a lot more liberal than Gingrich and he has the best shot at obtaining some of the voters who might be on the fence about candidates.
In the election, I will vote for whoever wins the republican primary. At this point, I think I would vote for my neighbor's dog if I thought he could beat Obama. Getting Obama out of office is really the only thing that matters in this election.

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answers from Denver on


I voted for him once - will do it again.

Is he perfect - no - but neither is anyone else. I believe he's tried his best to make a solid impact on the country. He may not have succeeded at everything but I think his efforts and intention are in the right place.

The GOP hopefuls are a pathetic bunch and the powers that be should be paying closer attention to who they put in front of the public. Newt can't win - aside from his moral character being completely corrupt - he's a dolt. Yet the Repub peeps are LOVIN' HIM UP. So much so that they (the GOP) are now running an almost "anti-Newt" campaign because even THEY know he can't win up against Obama.

Whatever will be is what will be - we need to make the best of it and support whoever is running our country.

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answers from Bismarck on

In case this gets pulled, may I cast my vote for Ron Paul...and ask you all to go find out all the reasons why. Do the research, folks!

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answers from Los Angeles on

President Obama, no question about it.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Mr Obama. I voted for him last time and I am happy to vote for him again.

The other side - it's like they put out a call for clowns. Newt - hypocrite who likes to hear himself talk. Santorum - holier than thou science denier. Ron Paul - isolationist bigot who thinks the government should stay out of everything but my bedroom and my marriage. Romney - well if I knew he was really the moderate he used to be (or who knows, pretended to be) wouldn't be so bad - but who knows - maybe the current one is the real Romney.

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answers from Salinas on

Obama for sure.

Sadly, we will only have a choice between Obama and either Romney or Gingrich. I watched yet another debate last night and cannot beleive what they said and how my daughter and I disagreed on almost every single position they hold.
I know he can't get elected and I would not vote for him myself but Ron Paul should be allowed to speak more and we should all listen carefully. While I disagree with about 1/2 of what he says the other 1/2 is compelling. I also see him as the only one up there that has consistent, intelligent points of view and just does not seem to be as out of touch as the rest of them on many issues. It seems they look at him like he's a dumb kid they have to tolerate. I say "Let Ron Speak!!!!"

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answers from New York on

Ron Paul.
No one else!!!!!!

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answers from Dallas on

Certainly not bo

We DESPISE him, did not vote for him the first time and would never, ever vote for him.

Cant stand him or mo

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answers from Chicago on

Runnermomof2, I am with you, I wish for Condoleezza rice too!

but for me it's anybody but Obama. I do hope Marco Rubio would be VP

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answers from Birmingham on

Ron Paul. He is the only one that is not too far to the right and will not compromise his thoughts or integrity because it may not be what we and the media want to hear. He is a constitutionalist that has an impeccable voting record, has military experience, political experience, and has my best interests at heart. He has my vote. Period.

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answers from Savannah on

Seriously---I believe Ron Paul. Will he win? No. But that's who I voted for in the primary (I had my eldest son with me and we discussed that even though he wouldn't win, I wanted to use my voice---a sacred right that makes this country great---to say that I am not happy with the mainstream guys, and I DO think there should be some big changes. Are all of his policies spot on? Nah, but NOONE'S policies are spot on, especially this year). I think it's a disgrace, and shows that the election is an absolute sham that he isn't heard more. (Well...that, or Shakespeare's "mob" really are "senseless things" and blinded by publicity, pretty lights, and what money buys).
Who will I probably end up voting for in the end??? I don't really know. They're all the same, no matter what they're saying, except Ron Paul. And he is NOT a bigot, nor is he anti-government. He's IN the government, and so is his son. He is against the government going against our constitution, trying to cause us to forget this is a REPUBLIC and what that means, crossing lines to override states' rights, and allowing corruption and money to control us.
I do think our president made a good point when he said we really have to come TOGETHER to have success in anything. It is true that our Republican congress was more interested in stonewalling than working on policies we could all live with; there are things President Obama has done that I have understood and tolerated, there are things he's done that I've admired, and there are things he's done that have REALLY upset me. It's not a fun time right now, that's for sure. But we shouldn't be so interested in our parties that we forget to do what's best for our people. This will be a hard race. I'm less sure about it than I've ever been about any previous race.
But who do I like and want to win? Ron Paul. Will he? No. But back to Shakespeare and the mob...

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answers from Seattle on

Um Can I write someone in??

Hillary Clinton/E. Warren......Freaking awesome duo right there.

As for any of the ones running thus far.....poo, boo....I wont do! Obama if reality is at stake.....but the GOP is very sad right now.

None of those running speak with knowledge of what it is like to be ''Middle Class'' in this day and age. They have been so removed from where most of us are right now, for so long...They no longer can relate. Yet we allow them to dictate how we will exist.

I DO NOT want TO VOTE FOR ANY OF THEM..........It hurts knowing I will have to eventually.

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answers from Denver on

this is a far from JFF question :) they all scare me. I think we should be able to remove any of the politicians by vote before they even begin and not be able to start until we the people have voted the ones in. (if that makes sense to anyone but me) then the elections can begin with a handful of people who the Americans feel are qualified not because they are just power hungry rich people who can afford to run for presidency.

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answers from Dallas on

No one. I don't trust any of them.

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answers from Santa Fe on

My top choice was Herman Cain, but sadly, he is not running any more. Of the remaining candidates, Rick Santorum is at the top of my list. If he weren't running, I'd have to go Ron Paul, even though his foreign policy scares me. If Paul had a different foreign policy, he would be my top choice, or very close to it (although I do disagree with him on some other issues as well).

I don't trust Romney -- he was a liberal for far too many years, and (imo) became "conservative" only when it was politically expedient to do so -- and that about sums up his character, imo -- political expedience, rather than character and backbone. Besides, I think he is least likely to win against Obama, because he'll be like McCain, only worse -- even less likeable, and also bland. He won't get conservatives fired up and lining up to go to the ballot boxes.

Newt... he's an excellent debater, but I think he is too much of a "say what I need to get elected" kinda guy (like Romney, but not quite as bad, because Newt does at least have a conservative background and record). But he seems to be pandering to get elected. I think he would be the most effective President, because he knows how Washington works and can get things done... but I'm not sure if I'd always like what he could get done. Plus, he has character issues, and I don't fully trust him. If he can't be trusted to take his marriage vows seriously, why should I trust him to take his Oath of Office seriously?

Any of them would be better than Obama, but here's how I rank them:

Who I'd vote for -- Santorum, Paul, Gingrich, Romney

Who would be most effective as President -- Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul (although perhaps I should bump Paul up a bit, because he'd veto probably 90% of legislation Congress passed, and that's probably a good thing, and can be a measure of effectiveness)

Most likely to beat Obama in a general election -- Paul, Gingrich, Santorum, Romney
Paul gets much of the youth vote, as well as brings in the most liberals, libertarians, and independents, without losing too many conservatives -- his anti-government, pro-small government message will resonate with many of us, and hopefully his libertarianism on social matters won't turn off too many
Gingrich is a good campaigner and speaker, and he can get the conservative base fired up (even if it is somewhat empty words)
Santorum is rock-solid conservative, so may lose a few independents and centrists, but he's somewhat small-government, so may keep some libertarians; but the biggest thing he has going for him, is his ability to keep and solidify the conservative base, more so than Paul and certainly more so than Romney. His biggest problem is that he doesn't generate much enthusiasm from his manner and mannerisms. If he could change that (add a dose of Herman Cain, for instance), he'd probably be better even than Gingrich in this matter.
Romney is bland -- he can't get people fired up to vote for him (he's even struggling in the primary, when he's outspending his opponents right and left -- how much worse will he do when he's being outspent by the Obama machine?), and that's a huge problem. McCain's problem in 2008 was that he induced a yawn in the conservatives, and they didn't so much vote *for him* as *against Obama*. That doesn't win elections. From my understanding (and mostly memory) of past elections, the winner is the one who generates the most positive -- the most people voting *for* him; and the nominee whose best selling point is, "Vote for me, I'm not the other guy", loses every time. It happened in every election in my memory: Clinton/Bush, Clinton/Dole, Bush/Gore, Bush/Kerry, and Obama/McCain, but particularly Dole, Kerry, and McCain.

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answers from Phoenix on

JFF check Newt's history and his views on middle class issues. Not just what is in the media, look at his voting record and at what he wanted to do when he was speaker.
I, too, have a great job and am struggling but the problem with the economy is not Obama. Please do some more homework and keep an open mind.

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answers from Phoenix on

Ron Paul all the way! I have been following him for years and I know sometimes he has some extreme issues with foreign policies but he is smart enough to be able to make educated decisions and not be swayed by lobbyists. He could actually make real changes and keep us from becoming even more of a welfare state. I have lived and worked in socialist societies and it really sucked!
All the people that believe Obama is a great President need to move and experience a society where everyone is dependent upon the government to live and then pay $.70 on the dollar in taxes. Free clinic level health care and forced to see doctors assigned to your area, waiting lists for "non-essential" procedures. Sounds great huh?

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