There are a couple of things that aren't clear here, like when do you sleep if you work 3rd shift, who watches the child while you work/sleep, and what days/hours does he work. If he works a M-F, 8-5 job, and you sleep in the evenings, do you expect him to take off work to come visit the child? That's unreasonable. You need to be willing to change your life a little too. If his days off are Sat./Sun., you need to make arrangements so that he can also see the child on HIS days off too, not just yours. If some of the times are at his convenience, then he will be more relaxed and nicer to you, won't be stressed from work, tired of bouncing from house to house, getting the bums rush when you decide it's time for him to leave, or worried about whatever attitude he may be getting from the other woman when he gets home. Do you trust him to take care of the child alone? If so, then he needs to step up, and do so. This means weekend visitations at his house. It can start off with just a few hours, and build up to a normal weekend visitation every other week, as is normal. The child does have a right to know her half-sister. If he keeps denying her this opportunity, then she could become resentful of him in the future. If the other woman is truly opposed to this, then the father needs to address this issue with her, and stand up for his rights. He could just be saying this to avoid the responsibility of taking care your child. Your daughter is no longer an infant, so she is not "too little" for him to care for. There may be some separtion anxiety at first, but that is normal, and as the father, he should be able to comfort her, and eventually, each visit will get easier for everyone. The longer you wait, the harder it will be because she may be afraid to go with him. It is not fair for you to be expected to raise this child alone, while he just comes to visit like an uncle. He is a FATHER, and has got to step up to his responsibilities. You may not be trying to control him, but you are controlling the situation so that it is all on your terms. You both should take some parenting classes, the other woman may need to get involved too if she is truly throwing a wrench in the works. I don't know why you don't have a child support and/or visitation schedule that is set through the court system, but your way is obviously not working, so hire an attorney, and get this in place. Once everything is "mutually agreed upon", then there will be no need for either of you to try to control the other. You two are stuck together for many years to come, so you've got to try to meet each others needs from time to time, stop using the child as a pawn in your battles against one another. She is getting old enough to recognize negativity and anger between the two of you. As parents, you two may have to switch weekends on occasion, as vacations and holiday plans may interfere with the normally "scheduled" visits. Be mutually accomodating about this. It's time for both of you to stop being juvenile, and make the decision to do what is in the best interest of the child that you two chose to bring into this world.