Dear H. S,
First of all, let me say that any man...married to you or just dating...should NEVER, EVER be looking at other women while in your presence. It's disrespectful to you, but mostly to himself because the women he is staring at most likely do not appreciate his behavior anymore than you do. Its degrading to them as well. Don't get me wrong when I said "in your presence". That doesn't give him the right to look while not in your presence either, but we cannot control what happens when we are not around. His actions and behavior are just not becoming of a true, honest, and loving man and most women who really care about themselves see right through him and are definitely NOT IMPRESSED.
Regarding him hanging out with a girl at work and lying about it to you....BIG FAT NO-NO AND A MAJOR SCREW-UP. I depise lying probably more than anything....and if your husband does something that he has to "cover up" with a lie, then he already knows he is in the wrong for doing it or he wouldn't care about telling you the truth. Again, he should not be placing himself in those kinds of situations or scenarios when he has a wife and a child. Once again, he is not only degrading himself, but you and your child that you have together. A responsible and mature husband and/or father would not conduct himself in such a manner if he had any respect for himself. Believe me, by his "looking" or flirty attitude...he is making himself look like a complete fool and it will only attract others to him that are just like he is or just like he is acting. Not you, but other women who are lower than sleezy, as well as his guy friends who agree with his behavior.
Stop beating yourself up about "baby weight" just gave birth a short while ago and it's not fair to do that to yourself or your child. Believe me, they can pick up on how you react to certain things about yourself. So, hold your head high and do not down yourself.
And, your husband is not "flirting" because of your weight....its because of his own insecurities about himself. He is lacking something in his "manhood" and having his own self esteem issues or he wouldn't have wondering eyes always looking for that certain someone to validate him and acknowledge him. He sounds very immature, insecure, and childish. A lot of men just like him always believe that they have something to prove and this is their way of coping or "proving" their manhood. Don't fall for it....
You have to decide how much of his behavior you are going to take, how long you are going to allow this to continue in your relationship with him, and whether or not he can give you what you need. He needs to grow up, be a husband and father and stop playing his "little boy" games.
I am all for husbands having their friends to hang with, talk with, and just have fun, but never at the expense of the wife, the child, and/or your marriage and relationship. That's much too much of a high price to pay just because he doesn't know how a husband and father should act while out in public with his friends, or at home with his family. He definitely can have fun, but not when it hurts the one he says that he loves, because it will jeopardize and strain your relationship in a major way.
You and your husband are not always going to agree on this issue of him going out with the guys, etc., but the very least your husband should do is to realize that his actions and his words can cause unrepairable damage and could cost him his marriage.
So, no are not wrong to feel the way that you do considering the actions of your husband. I hate to say this to you, but his behavior might just be a big part of his personality and unfortunately some personality traits just cannot be changed, altered, of fixed.
I wish you the best of luck and I will pray that God will watch over you and show your husband that what he is doing to you is causing some major problems within your relationship and your marriage. I pray that God will show your husband that he owes his child a better role model than the one that he is giving to your son. Children learn what they live, and at 9 months old...I guarantee that your son can pick up on the tension, the pain, the hurt, and the anxiety relating to this situation. He is picking up on it because babies have a keen sense about them that they can definitely feel what you all feel. So, believe me....your husband's actions are extremely crucial to the raising of your son and how your son views the world around him.
I give you this advice first as a wife and mother; and secondly as a professional. I have a degree in Early Childhood Development and Pediatric Psychology. I hope that what I have offered here to you is beneficial and that your husband comes to realize very soon how everything he does not only affects him, it affects you and most important it affects your child.
T. H.