This is a huge decision and i think it's wonderful that you guys are thinking very carefully about it. Here are my thoughts...If you and your husband are financial capable and physically capable of having another child then i say have another child. Children are nothing but wonderful blessings that bring so much more joy and happiness into a family. Think about how much joy and love you both received and gave when you had your first. A second or even third would only be better, it could never be worse! Are there going to be times when you are exhausted or the kids will argue, of course! But all the good times will outweigh those rough times.
Right now I only have one daughter and she is 7. My husband and I just recently lost our next baby, i had an eptopic pregnancy which was very difficult and i'm not sure if i will be able to have more children. But we will keep trying and if for whatever reason we can't, we are going to consider adopting. Either way, i want my daughter to grow up with brothers and sisters. I come from a family of four children and i couldn't imagine what my life would have been like had i not had brothers and sisters to play with and turn to. They are my best friends! And i love that we are all so close in age, we all got to really grow up together, go through life and learn the good and the bad. And the fact that we all had eachother made it so much better and easier in my opinion.
My sister has a daughter that is 9 and her and my daughter go to school together. So they get to see eachother everyday and they come home with eachother everyday and get to spend some time together until my sister and i get home from work and i'll tell you i am so happy that she has her. Even though it's just her cousin, they are many ways like sisters because they have grown up together. They fight and play like sisters and they miss eachother when the other is not around. It's sometimes hard when Julia (that's my daughter) comes home and has no one to play with. She's at that age when she wants to play with friends and if she can't then she definitely wants mom to play with her, which is great, but when you have things to do and get done, another sibling would really help out in those situations. They keep eachother busy when mom and dad can't.
Plus, to be honest, i think that only children tend to be very spoiled. They grow up and get all the attention and don't have to share anything with anybody. If you have brothers and sisters, you learn at an earlier age that you can't have everything you want and you have to share and you learn to love and care about another person other than yourself.
In addition, i'm not sure how old you are, but i know of many women who had one child, said they were done and then when that child got to be 7,8,9 years old, they realized that they wanted another. Their little baby had grown up and they did not realize how quick the time would go...they had no more baby and now wanted another. And many of them could no longer have babies because their bodies just could not do it, or many of them could but wished they would have had them sooner so that their children would be closer in age. And they say that the remeber having more energy and it would have been so much easier to have another baby when they were still in that baby mode with the other.
I think it's great that you are really thinking about this decision and even getting advice from others! Whatever you decide i'm sure will be the right the right decision for you. If it were me, i would just let whatever happen happen, know what i mean. Not try to prevent it and not try to make it happen so much...and if it happens, then you know if was meant to be! I'm a huge beleiver in everything happens for a reason, so maybe you could do it that way and see what happens...best of luck to you and your family!!