Sorry, didn't see the high blood pressure at first... still, the rest of my answer remains the same:
Honestly, anyone wanting to use cytotec for induction I would RUN from as fast and as far as I can. It is never to late to switch providers.
Cytotec is not approved for the induction of labor, and though off-label use is not illegal, the makes of cytotec warn extensively about not using it for induction. It has been implicated in cases of terrible complications such as uterine ruptures. Please ask you provider to hand you the full information sheet that comes with the drug, or look it up online! I personally would rather have a c section than to ever use cytotec to induce labor.
I am terrified to hear that this is a midwife suggesting this!
I have to be honest with you, if you have read any of my other posts, you know I am all pro natural birth and midwifery care... but if you are experiencing pregnancy complications that make it necessary to induce at 38 weeks, personally I would switch to an OB. They are much more experienced with managed labor (aka induction).
There are other ways to manage PIH, especially if you have not been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia yet... I would get a second opinion to say the least.