I know a lot of moms have replied saying how it wasn't bad to be induced, but I personally would *not* agree to an induction before 42 weeks UNLESS you or the baby was in true medical distress. Doctors these days are pushing induction before babies are ready to come out - and many babies don't respond well to the unnaturally strong contractions, the drugs (even epidurals affect your baby), and being made to come out before they're ready. Babies KNOW when it's the right time for them - in most cases, we don't need to force them out early with drugs!!! Induction just makes labor harder, puts more stress on the baby physically, puts more physical AND emotional stress on the mom to deliver within a certain (too short) time frame, and overall I think inductions happen FAR, FAR too often these days.
I know it can be tough - I had to really advocate for myself in my last pregnancy (birth was 10 months ago). I went to 43 weeks and 3 days (refused induction 3 times and even had to contend with my OB yelling at me, which I thought was incredibly unprofessional of her even if she did disagree with my choices - p.s., my baby and I were healthy the whole time, had repeat nonstress tests and biophysical profiles that showed us to both be just perfectly healthy). When my baby decided it was time to be born, it took 2 hours - and he was absolutely ON TIME and healthy. He was 9.5 lbs and I barely had any "skidmarks" (no tearing or episiotomy). He was *not* late in any way!!! In fact, if I had agreed to induction at 40 weeks, he would have been too early. Period. And he probably would have ended up needing to have help breathing or spend time in special care. NO THANKS.
I am so glad I waited - well worth it. Also, for my births, I do not want any medication - the discomfort of labor HELPS US figure out what is the best position for us to be in so that our babies are born most easily! Why drug yourself and your baby after avoiding all of these things for 9 months?
Good for you for honoring your instincts to avoid induction - do a little more research and you'll find loads of reasons why it's best to wait and let nature work her magic. If you do decide to go for the induction, some things to research/consider:
1) make them use cervadil as the first attempt to induce yo - and make sure the cervadil is in tampon form so that you can remove it if you feel it is making your labor progress too quickly
2) do NOT agree to let them break your waters (this really is irreversible - once your waters are broken, the OBs start the timer, so if you don't delivery by X time, it's c-section which is major surgery, not fun when you also are trying to care for a newborn, get breastfeeding well established which takes time, energy, and work, etc.)
3) NEVER let them use cytotec no matter what they try to tell you - there is a warning from the FDA that it is NOT approved for OB use (increases risk of uterine rupture)!!!
4) do not agree to pitocin for the initial induction - if the cervadil doesn't work (they should give you at least 12 hrs on cervadil), it means your body and your baby are NOT READY YET - go home and renegotiate w/ your OB
Trust your body. As women in our current culture, we have lost touch with our awesome power to birth our babies naturally because OBs and friends and family are always saying "don't go past 40 weeks" (which is BS - 40 weeks is only an AVERAGE - women go before 40 weeks AND they go *after* 40 weeks - every woman is a little bit different!) or "wow, that baby is too big" (again, BS - big babies mean the mom has been eating well - you can definitely birth a 9 or 10 pounder without problems especially if you don't have epidurals clouding your ability to get in the best laboring positions for you - our bodies can do this).
Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful birth. I second the recommendations to pamper yourself and relax - prenatal massage, accupuncture, accupressure, long slow walks, etc. You and your baby can do this!!! :)