I am sort of with the other moms on this but also not. I have never done home care for more than two or three kids at a time so don't really know much on the home care side. I agree that you should talk to your day care provider and see what happens. But I have also worked in a day care and I had two very violent boys in my classroom. Luckily these boys didn't usually target other kids but they did target the teachers. I lost three good co-teachers while working with that particular group of kids. Despite repeated talks with the director of the daycare and the boys' parents nothing seemed to help. I also eventually had to quit when I found out I was pregnant and had these boys continually trying to punch and kick me in the stomach. So, my suggestion is to try to talk to your provider and give it a week or two, whichever you think is better, before you look for a new day care. Then if you don't feel better with the situation get your little girl in a place you feel comfortable with.