The good news is You are fine and so is baby. Your baby is probably sitting against your back rather than protruding in you stomach. Just wait till he/she crawls up into your ribs! Ouch!
Once upon a time I was six months pregnant and still in my bikini! Man, it was great! I told people I was pregnant and they said "where?" If only it stayed that way (lol).
I lost 20 pounds after I got pregnant and then started gaining again only after 7 months! I was obvious pregnant starting in my late 8th month, meaning I just looked akwardly fat in between those two months, instead of pregnant.
Enjoy it while you can, even though I'm sure you may want to look more pregnant than you do. I did too.
I did get stretch marks because I grew all of a sudden, so, be careful of that and use as much moisturizers as you can as a preventative measure (although they say stretch marks are heriditery..lucky me!).
Hope you are enjoying your pregnancy and enjoy the fun you will have when you get to meet your beautiful baby!
J. R. Patellis
Business Owner