yeah, i landed a really awesome guy. i don't even know where to begin to talk about him. well, how about he really wasn't into having kids, not opposed, but not like looking for that and 1 month after we got married we found out i can't have kids. and i grew up wanting to be a mommy. i was so sad. i was even more sad knowing this would be my battle, knowing what he had said about having kids. and then i heard him ask the doctor:
so what can we do? when can we start? not knowing what insurance would cover or what we were going to have to do etc. he was ready to get started right then and there.
and we have twins now.
something else, i have plenty of education under my belt but i also wanted to raise my kids so since the year my kids were born i have been working from home. i don't make nearly what i could make if i worked outside the home, and he knows that, yet, he always says you are the bread and should of this family and it makes me sooo happy that he appreciates me staying home with kids. not once in all these years has he said anything other than just praise that i stay home with kids.
i could go on and on and it would still not be enough. my guy is the greatest husband and dad. i just need to remember that every day.