My son will be 3 in March. We just transitioned him to a toddler bed about a month ago. It is been a nightmare! As I put him back in bed, he's getting out again. Disaster. So I would constantly be putting him in bed and he was thinking it was more and more hilarious. So I gave up. I hate to admit it, but I did. If you'd asked me my "parenting philosophy" before this I would not have told you what I'm about to tell you. We lock him in his room. We do our whole routine I tuck him in bed and then I lock the door and I don't go back. He usually plays for a limited time and then gets in bed and falls alseep. My absence has made it less of a "game" it seems and its more effective. I was BEYOND stressed about it, and I'm sure especially with twins you must be going crazy. Anyway, if he is just getting up and your daughter sleeps through it. I'd try that?? I know it seems ridiculous. But it gave me some sanity cause I was LOSING it after weeks of that. Doorknob on "backward" with the lock outside. Good luck!