This is what you need to do. Click on the link below to choose the closest YWCA to you:
Call that location and explain you're looking for childcare. They will connect you with that department. You give them city names and/or zip codes and they can mail you or email you a list of all daycare providers within those areas. The list cost $35 if I remember correctly but you can have the list redone as many times as you need within 1 year. They mail you the bill and they don't seem in too much of a rush to get payment. I think I didn't even get the bill for 2 months. This is an excellent way to find childcare. Just go down the list and call them, explain what you're looking for, find out if they have availability and what they charge.
I would not recommend Craigslist. You want someone who's a daycare provider and not someone who's just looking for a nanny job with little or no experience. Myself and many I know ran into more kooks on CL than anything. Plus it takes a lot of time to place the ad, wait for people to respond, contact them, etc. If you call the YWCA now you could have the list in the next 10 minutes. It's that simple.