I Am Going on travel...what to Do with the Kids in the Morning

Updated on November 10, 2010
M.D. asks from Washington, DC
8 answers

My husband leaves for work at 430am and my kids don't get on the bus until about 820 (or I will start dropping them off then). My husband JUST started his job back in October, so he can't really take leave yet, he can't work from home, and he works 2 hours away. So leaving at 830 is not really an option either when he is supposed to start work at 7. My family lives nearby, but is not overly helpful in the kid department (when it is odd hours like this), plus both of my parents still work (though my mom works later in the day) and my sister who could help has a baby of her own and is a nanny. What have you done in this spot? I'm not sure of how to find someone who can watch them!!!

EDIT - sorry for the confusion. I leave on Dec 5th for travel for one week. I will not be back until Friday afternoon. So normally I do the morning and afternoons with the kids. If my family is not willing or able to help in the mornings, what are other options out there?

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So What Happened?

SO...I was talking to my mom today and she mentioned that my dad is going on travel for two weeks, the first two weeks of December. So he will be gone anyways. So I asked her why not just stay at my house? Did I also mention that her kitchen is being renovated?!?! It could not be more perfect. And my sister and her BF can stay at my parents house where they live to take care of my mom's dogs. We'll see how it works out though!

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answers from Dallas on

That's too bad that your parents aren't overly helpful but have you asked your Mom, since she works later in the day, if she can help you out this one week you are gone? After all they are nearby. Tell her your kids would love to have Grandma around to help out =-)

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answers from Phoenix on

Hire a neighbor teen or college kid to spend the night and manage the morning routine. Ditto for the afternoon.

Is that your question? You're gone and no one in the fam can help?

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answers from New York on

Not sure what your question is - what time do you need to leave the houes?

ahaa! this is very tough and I feel for you. I did everything in my power to avoid travel when my kdis were small beucase I also didn't have any options to cover this kind of situation. Even now that my kids are 11 & 14 I try to only travel a day at a time. I'm assuming this trip cannot be delayed or rescheduled? The first thing I'd try is to talk to my employer about how much of a hardship this would create. Most employers are becoming family friendly and due to the severe hardship it would cause I would think they would at least allow you to delay the trip if possible until your husband has been at his job for a longer period of time and could either take the days off or go in late.

If that's not an option in any way then you're going to have to hire a babysitter to either show up at your house super early or sleep over. I can't imagine getting a neighbor who has thier own kids to take your for the entire week. If it was one moring they probably would - but a week is very different.

You really need either a college student or a mature retiree type person to be there. I don't think I'd put an ad on Craigs list or anything like that but you have to begin asking around - ask for college students or early retirees who you could pay. You're going to have to pay more than the usual hourly rate since you need them at such an odd hour.

So call the local colleges and your church or temple and ask for suggestions. EVen ask your kids' teachers - young teachers are often underpaid and they may even have an unemployed teacher friend or mom who could do it. If you make it lucrative enough I would think you'd find someone.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I think you need to beg your mom to cover the mornings. Get there when hubby leaves and get the kids up & out. Not sure how old your kids are...and that does make a difference.
Do you have a neighbor that could cover after school times til hubby gets home? Since he starts early, he probably gets home early so maybe that's not an issue? (If they are in school.)
OR do you belong to a church? Maybe they know of someone looking to make a little holiday cash that is reliable. I would not put an ad on Craigs list but you're going to have to have someone come there because even if they could be up when hubby leaves, day cares don't open that early in the morning.
Good luck!


answers from Dallas on

I understand completely! I am a single mom and travel out of state twice a month for work.

And, yeah, family doesn't get paid to be helpful so they usually aren't.


Do your kiddos go to daycare? I made friends with a couple of my favorite teachers from my kiddos daycare and they are now my "in a pinch" babysitters. They also already love your kiddos and understand the importance of keeping a child's routine. If you are planing now, then you shouldn't have a problem finding someone.

Be prepared to pay about $20 an hour to make it worth the inconvenience for someone to be at your house in time for your hubby to leave.



answers from Charlotte on

Can't your mom spend the night for a week? That would be so easy. Surely she gets up around 7:00 or so normally, so this would just be getting up a little earlier. She could bring her work clothes with her, or go home before going back to work. And she wouldn't have to come back until time to go to bed. That way she gets time with your dad.

Really and truly, it would be just awful if she couldn't just do this for you guys, especially considering how long your husband was without a job and that you are undoubtedly playing catch-up. If you need to offer to pay her to do it, try that. Maybe she could use the extra money, and I would rather pay family than pay a stranger.

Good luck,



answers from New London on

In this situation with the weird hours I would try and entice a family member. Otherwise Id look into hiring someone - I have "signed up" a few daycare teachers to assist (paid of course) in these situations. Payment might be a little steeper given the hours. Ive also found a nice college girl on sittercity.com. I also have two friends on standby for emergency's.



answers from Wichita on

I'm confused by the question. Do you need to be at work before the kids go to school & that is why you need someone to watch them?

God bless!

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