Oh honey, I haven't met a mom yet that hasn't lost her marbles. Ha ha
It's okay. You find your "new sanity". Your I'll-take-this-but-leave-this attitude. And THAT IS OKAY!
Do what you can, when you can.
Take "your breaks". Fit them in whether they are at 5am or 11pm.
Do "2 nice things for yourself a day". Whether it's a mocha, a walk, a trip to the gym or a magazine (budget permitting).
Every once in a blue moon, I take a nap or rest when my baby does. I need that once in awhile.
I talk to my friends. Thank God for them.
I'll watch the comedy channel for a few mins to take in a few laughs. Do it.
Know you rock, you can do it and you need a few small breaks too here and there. Like they say on the airlines, "you with children, secure your own oxygen mask first before that of your child's". That's so you can be sane and help! Take care of you!