Congrats on your little boy! We have three kids, the first two are 12 months apart and the second two are 14 months apart. I would say that there are pros and cons of having them so close together, but I would do it again if I was in the same position (I was also in my mid-30s when we had our first).
I did find that I had enough quality time to spend with my oldest, even after the second one was born. For the first six months or so, the baby was quite easy, just sleeping and eating, which left me plenty of time with my oldest. After the first six months, the baby became more demanding, but my daughter was able to play with him as well so we did some things together or she started "teaching" him about things that she was doing. It has gotten a little bit more difficult with the third - I would have a really hard time with it if I didn't have great help a few days a week.
The major con that I experienced was that my oldest wanted to go out and see other kids and play and often we were stuck inside because of naptimes for the baby. But we figured it out - the baby learned to nap in the stroller at least once a day and then became an even better napper once he was 12 months old because he loved his crib.
I hope that helps. My personal belief is that there is no "ideal" time between kids, but what is right for your family.
Good luck!