T.. Please please PLEASE do NOT go back on Depo. If you read up on Depo you will find it is the root cause for many women in constant - on going mentral problems and fertility issues. It can take up to a year or 18 months after depo for your periods to return to normal, plus it can mask pregnancy because of the fluctuating hormone levels. I've had endometriosis since I was younger,but my periods were always on time and 'normal'. I went on depo for 9 months (at the time I was 115lbs) - gained 40lbs on depo- my period never returned. I was diagnosed with PCOS- polycystic ovarian syndrome. No one else in my family has this disorder. My OB says I may have had the underlying gene for it and the depo brought it out. Please stay away from this drug.. I really dont' think it's safe.