I work a traditional 9-5. It takes me about 40 minutes to get to work. So the whole trip from drop off to work is about 45 minutes. However, when I leave at 5pm, there is more traffic so I don't get home until 6 PM.
So yes, lots of people are in you boat. But if it means a reliable family member will be watching your child - it's likely a better situation. Plus she will be with family all day. And you will get used to the longer commute in no time. It will all work out. I promise. Just think about the alone time in the car - your radio station, your talk radio, silence to think.
My daughter is a talker - her first work was clap which she said when she learned to clap (so a very early talker). But I've seen lots of kids who say nothing until over two and then they start talking in complete sentences.