I don't know how many people are going to like my answer, but I picked him up, put him in bed with me and went back to sleep.
Seriously, my husband and I tried rocking, singing, climbing in bed next to him (we put our kids in twin beds at about 17 or 18 months), picking him up and putting him back in his own bed. We found that, for the most part, we got more sleep when we just waited for him to "pitter patter" into our room and come up to one of us and then pick him up and bring him into our bed.
He's just over 2 now, and he joins us about 3 times a week. He's also a little bigger, so some nights he does kick us. But overall, it seems to be working.
Our older son followed a similar pattern. When he was about 2 years old, he began coming into our bed less and less. By 2 1/2, he was done. If he does come into our bed now, it's usually only if he's sick. He really likes his bed and feels like a big boy and feels like sleeping on our bed is something only babies do.
Good luck! They really do grow out of this phase.