You have done a great job! You have given him so much! You have to do what is right for you and your family. I have a 16 mo old and a 5 yr old- I tried to breastfeed both of them. I ended up pumping and bottle feeding- my little girl would only latch onto one side and my son would take a 1/2 hour to latch on and then so long to feed that by the time he was done it was time to feed again. This created stress for me so I pumped instead. Not to mention when my second child was born- there wasn't much time for the first. I felt a little guilty but formula is designed to be healthy for him. With bottle feeding you can still get that closeness- it is the bonding and closeness that is important too. Do what is best for your family- you shouldn't feel like a failure! You have done a great job!