It's very sad people were rude to you. If you don't have something nice to say...right? Anyway, sounds like you'll have to "be the bad guy" on this one. Don't think of it as being mean or rude. Think of it as being a protective, good mom that wants her children to be well and wants to get some sleep at night and not be up with her sick kids for hours! I worked in a preschool - the rule is, if the child has a temperature he is not allowed to come to school for 24 hours.I think I would let the parents know that your kids are now sick so please do NOT bring your child by until my kids are better and in order for this to not happen on a regular basis, please do NOT bring your child to my house if he/she is sick. I think that's how I'd try to handle it anyway. Actually my friends all have an honor code that if their kid even has a sniffle and a cough (no temp needed) we don't get together until the kid is better. Hope you work it out!