For every negative action, there is a positive INTENTION. What is he getting from this behavior? Is your husband supporting you 100% and are the consequences to his actions the same every time? If there is not consistency and follow through every time he does something, he will continue with this behavior. Have you discussed "values" in your home?
Kids want to know that their boundaries are firm and they like to test them to see where they're at. For many kids, knowing the boundaries gives them a feeling of security and lets them know where mom and dad are at on their values and rules.
My best advice for you is to make sure you take care of this NOW - they don't grow out of it. We started too late and actually put our daughter into a behavioral type boarding school (with amazing results). We learned that WE were the biggest problem because my husband was either too permissive or too strict, and I only made her follow the rules until it became inconvenient or if it would be more peaceful to just let her do whatever she wanted. We learned as much as she did. We have our values, structure and rules firmly in place now and life is fairly peaceful around here.
One thing that I totally, totally recommend is "The Total Transformation Program". This is a set of cd's that talks about parenting - it costs A LOT but it's worth it! Just Google it and you'll find them.
Good Luck!!