First, it is pretty normal for even a 3 year old to strongly prefer their mama over their daddy. Second, if your husband insists on your daughter interacting with him on HIS terms, he won't win that struggle. He needs to get smart and start "wooing" her. I know this would be hard for him to accept, but he could really benefit from some play therapy sessions with her. A good place to consider is the Center for Social Success. I think their website is www.dristre.com or maybe www.drsusanistre.com - at any rate, you can Google Center for Social Success and find it (in Dallas near 635 and Hillcrest). It's just a quicker, "smarter" way for him and her both to learn how to interact, play and show affection with each other. They would not judge him at all! They would really give him lots of positive reinforcement for being proactive and caring enough to take this step.
I would definitely say don't discipline her for lack of affection or lack of showing it. OTOH, she needs to be respectful of him. So I would work with him on y'all setting rules about acknowledging him but not having to hug on demand (who wants to do that?) - just teaching her some basic good manners that you would want her to show anyone else, and certainly a parent. And tell him to quit pouting - that is so childish and just draws her into a very unhealthy pattern of interactions with males! He has got to rise above this, and he does need help learning better patterns...but rather than put it that way, you might suggest that all 3 of you take some "social skills lessons" together...kind of like a workshop, so he will realize it will just be for a short duration. I would also stress to the counselor that you guys want to work on some issues as a family but you really want to keep it short-term and goal focused. This lets everyone know up-front that there will be an ending to it! Good luck.