Hi Nancy,
I know where you're coming from. I used to watch a little girl who's 3. My son (2) and her didn't get along. At first I thought my son was just being mean and didn't want to share but after watching their interactions more I realized she was doing things passively. He wouldn't be building towers with his blocks and she would walk by and kick over his tower. There were many other things that I realized she was doing. Well, I tried for about 3 months to try and get them to play nicely but in the end I ended up not watching anymore. Bottom line is I want my son to feel comfortable in his home. She was at my house a lot more than the little boy that you watch. I watched her Monday-Friday. Plus, my son is usually a really good sharer. He has an older brother and gets along with every other kid he's played with. It was just this little girl. Good luck.