Has your Husband... EVER baby sat the kids, by himself.... while you go out all night like he does?
If not, then I would be irked.
HE is a Dad and Husband... and well to him and most men, amending their outing, like your Husband did... is enough.
But not to the Wife who also has a sick child at home and is PMS'ing.
You are not being unreasonable, given the circumstances.
Why don't you show him your responses?
Has your Husband, EVER taken care of any of your children, while they are sick????
If not.. then I would make him, do so.
They are his kids too.
What a chicken.
And it seems you even asked him nicely, to stay home. Given the circumstances.
He is being, selfish.
But alas... most men/Dads, do not know how it is, being in the trenches with a sick child and while PMS'ing at the same time.
And you have more than 1 child.
I would make him, step up.
He does not... have to go out 2 nights in a row on a weekend.
Unless he is just the type that just does whatever the hell he wants.... anyway. Regardless of what is at home.