I am a full time working mother. The exposure my daughter gets at her sitters with the other kids makes it easier for me to leave her. (well that and my husband drops her off and picks her up b/c its by his work)
Personally, i dont feel its fair to the husband to have to earn all the income if you all cannot live on just one salary. i would never let my husband work a ton of hours so I could stay home. while i know its hard to leave your child, martial stress is harder on a child. coming from a child of divorce and having parents always fighting about money, i feel very strongly about that.
many people suggested part time work or sales type work. i also do that, i'm a demonstrator for Close to My Heart. I hope some day to build my business to leave my full time job b/c I love doing it. but any type of sales business you have to be willing to work at it and keep working at it to make it successful.
As for "taking care of the home" if you go back to work, your husband shouldnt have to work as many hours and then can work around the house to help. my husband and i share lots of housework and you know what? sometimes it doesnt get done. b/c we work full time, my daughter and my husband are my first priority, not the dust bunnies or the dishes. i do that type of stuff after my daughter goes to bed at night.
just my opinion. i know i'm in the minority many times on this board, but just throwing it out there.