I think one of the financial aspects to look at is will you really make enough money to make it worth it? Daycare for an infant is incredibly expensive and most people find they end up working to pay for daycare.
We had our first when my husband was in dental school and I was the only one working. I was put on bed rest and my son was born 8 weeks early and even if I'd wanted to I wouldn't have been able to go back to work. And you know what we did? We tightened our belt and I stayed home. And it was the best decision we ever made. We didn't go out to dinner very often, didn't buy much in the way of extras, I used coupons like crazy, planned menus and made things from scratch and my son could have cared less. There is so much you can do with and for a little one that doesn't involve buying things and wants. At the end of the day, your daughter will remember that you were always there with her and for her not the new clothes or toys that she had.
I completely understand when mom and dad both have to work but I just wanted to put my story out there to you that it is sometimes possible to make huge changes in your lifestyle.