Glitter is the enemy in my house.My daughter is six and loves to do arts and crafts everyday.
It use to drive me a bit crazy sometimes.
But To see the joy and happiness she gets thats enough for me to "Not sweat the small stuff".
Don't get me wrong I love a clean house just like anybody else.
But if you are teaching your kids to be tidy.
You vacuum and have her help with a little brush and dust pan set they sell at the dollar store.
Ask yourself,when your older,it will be a cherished memory.
Of your little girl running around the house feelin' pretty.
If you can't take allow her to use an old sheet on the floor for her Princess play and pick up after and shake it well outside.
I'm a mom of an 18yr old boy and 6yr old girl.I also raised
five siblings.None ever were hurt.
Enjoy your kids!!!