Baby! But, for selfish reasons that I want to minimize the mess because he's more likely to move around and get it on more things. Once I clean him up, then I focus on my own clothes.
I couldn't help myself.
When your baby spits up a lot on you and her/himself, who do you clean up first? Be honest!
I love it! What a big difference huh? Well, I'm with the mommy with the oxygen mask analogy, that was exactly what I told my husband! When it's A LOT I am too grossed out to do a good job cleaning the baby, too distracted. Besides, a load of spit up down your shirt is traumatizing, and she wont even remember the experience! LOL I know I should feel different by my second baby, but I guess I just have a weak stomach. Yesterday, I had her in the colic hold and she spit up (or down I should say) and it landed all over my flip flops and got in between my toes! eeew!!
Baby! But, for selfish reasons that I want to minimize the mess because he's more likely to move around and get it on more things. Once I clean him up, then I focus on my own clothes.
I can't believe most moms clean the baby first! It depends where I am in the house and how bad it is, but if it's all over me and if it's really smelly I take him directly to the changing table and set him down while I clean myself first! He doesn't seem to mind as much as I do and as long as it's not too much of a slimy mess I swab us both down with wipes (but not on his face) and carry on.
myself cause its usually on my boob.
Just like when an airplane's oxygen masks fall from the compartments overhead, you are supposed to put your own mask on first, then help your children. I treat vomit the same way. I clean myself up first then take care of them. Once, I tried to clean my daughter up first but she was grabbing at me so much that she kept getting vomit on her by way of my clothing. Just makes more sense to clean yourself up first and then take care of everything else. I plop the vomit covered offender in a dry bathtub while I clean up so she don't spread the mess, then I hose her down.
Depends on the situation, but I usually clean up my hands or arms if they are affected, dab at my clothes only enough so I don't drip anywhere and then tend to the baby. My clothes, the chair etc. can wait. After all how can you clean a baby if your own hands are a mess? Although if it's a really large event you might just consider stripping the babys clothes before you clean yourself at all so he doesn't make an even bigger mess of himself..........then do your hands and then the baby.
It would depend, but usually I'd wait a second to make sure the baby was done spitting up and clean them first. That way, I could lay them down and not worry about them rolling around in it or getting it on anything else while I got myself cleaned up.
I learned with my first baby to keep my hair pinned up because there's nothing quite as fun as having a nice blob of spit-up down the back of your hair.
My guy didn't do much spitting up, but the very few times he has been sick he has vomited. And I mean VOMITED!! LOL. Anyway, I clean up my boy first because I try to minimize how far he spreads it out. Then I clean up myself. I am blessed with a marvelous husband who cleans up the carpet, the sofa, the bed, whatever has vomit on it, he cleans. Lucky me! I was just thinking tonight that my dear husband has cleaned up more vomit since I got pregnant than he ever could have imagined he would.
lol - funny question, but i had to respond! because my baby had acid reflux he was like a faucet, so i'd start with the source and start by wiping his mouth first and follow the path of spit up... good luck ;)
It totally depends on where the spit up lands. If it is on his hands, I clean him right away because I know he will put his hand in his mouth. Otherwise, I clean me first!
This is disgusting, but I don't care. I don't even change my shirt anymore - the amount of laundry I was doing was ridiculous. I change him if he pukes all over himself, but I don't change my clothes. Baby puke is my new prefume these days.
Clean yourself up first. The baby may spit up again before you finish cleaning him or her up. ...but don't wait long before cleaning up the baby.
Depends on how bad it is. If it is really bad, I clean up baby first. If it's not much, I clean myself up first.
The baby and I never thought I would be one of those moms that wiped their spit up on my sweats or lick my finger to get that last crumb off of their mouth. Btw, I was a new, nervous mom and whenever he spit up I freaked out. : )
lol, you said fun and spit up in the same post! My kids are past that stage, but I'm pretty sure it was me, it is the same if I get pooped on, and my carpet comes first too, apparently.
Furniture, then rugs, then strip or clean baby, then me. Usually by the time I got to the 2nd or third step there would be another round of spitting up (reflux/projectile vomit/colic) so there was no sense in cleaning myself up until I knew it was the last step. I'm SO over separating whites/lights/darks. Now dirties go into the washer immediately and when it's full we add soap and start the cycle. It was good preparation for having two boys... now it's dirt/paint/etc instead of puke but the routine is the same. Sometimes they come home from the park nearly naked and their clothes are in the trunk!
Baby's Face First unless it was Down the blouse. If the girls got the worst of it then they recieve the first nappie.
I would have a puke shirt on half the day, yet my baby always had fresh clothing on :)
first the expensive rug/sofa/ottoman then me then the baby this time around. With my firstborn I actually tried to stop the flow thinking he was going to starve and that my boobs were empty. ;) duh!
you should clean the baby first and then clean the rest
Generally, I get the first brush off me and then clean up baby. Then she's not continuing to get it all over while I get myself really cleaned up.
i agree with jennifer s - baby first, because most likely my son would just continue to make a bigger and bigger mess with it, if i stop what i'm doing with him to clean myself up!
The baby's mouth.... yucky...
Depends. There was a face my daughter would make just before spitting up so I always knew it was going to happen. More often than not, I would have her propped to where it wouldnt really get on her (we are talking projectile vomit here-- daily, so we were pros!) and most would be on me. I would find a way to wipe her face, then 'roll up' my shirt so it wouldn't drip on the carpet as we got up out of the chair...ah the good ol days...anways mostly baby comes first on this one. If I'm not clean though, how can I clean baby?