I do FlyLady on and off - I'm the type who seems to get caught up in doing EVERYTHING, and doing it all RIGHT. But this just doesn't work in reality with the FlyLady system when you have two small children. I can't seem to get ALL the morning routine stuff done every morning, and then I get upset that the bathroom counter didn't get wiped or the kitchen sink isn't empty and shiny. Or I DO get to it, but then it's a scramble getting my son to school because I got breakfast on the table too late. I guess I have to laern to rearrange some of the routines to fit our personal life. BUT, her tips have been helpful, like decluttering, only keeping and buying things you need, teaching your children to give away toys and clothes they don't use, and wow, making the bed and keeping the tops of dressers clear really does make the house look and feel cleaner! My advice is to go ahead and try it, but don't be afraid to tweak it to what works for you!