Im so sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed! My best advice is sit down very calmly with your husband/boyfried and explain the way you are feeling. Try not to just point on the negative things he does, throw in some positives and let him know when he does those things you are apprecative. I really cant relate to your situation, but I really do feel for you! Being a first time mom is overwhelming and working too, thats alot! I am very fortunate to be a stay home mom of 4. I do remember the first year with my first daughter being very nerve racking!!! My husband worked sometimes 2 or 3 jobs for us to make ends meet, so 95% of the time it was just me and her. When you are cleaning and she needs attention, ask him for help. He may not realize (guys can be kinda dumb when it come to kids and house work) you need help. In the begining when we had 2 kidos, I would be running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things done. I had to start asking him for help, can you brush their teeth while I shower tem, can you wipe the table down while I do the dishes. Now 4 kids later we work as a team. If Im cooking he's watching the kids, if im passing out medication to one kid he's showering the others. It takes time to get to be a well oiled machine... Also try to get a few hours a week to yourself. One night a week after the kids are in bed and my husbands home i go out with my girlfriends. We go to the movies, ice cream, dinner, window shopping, play board games even grocrie shopping... Its nice to get out and be yourself and not just MOMMY! I hope this helps.