I am mom to an 18 mos. old son. We were accidental co-sleepers for quite some time. We live in a small bungalow with tiny bedrooms. No room for a crib or pack n play in our bedroom, but we did have the Arm's Reach mini-cosleeper. Breastfeeding was a fiasco that didn't work out for us. My son never latched, so I pumped and pumped fo months. Despite that, he still slept in our room. Usually in the co-sleeper, sometimes in our bed. He's a small guy, so he used the mini-cosleeper until about 6 mos., but he was crawling at 6 mos & it just wasn't safe. We tried his crib & he just cried & cried. We were nervous about him in our bed with the blankets & possibly too soft mattress & us being so exhausted. We were worried we might crush our tiny guy! So when we inherited a Graco Travel-lite pack n play that could squeeze next to our bed in the space where the cosleeper once was our son started sleeping there. Around 8 mos, we were getting tired b/c we felt like we had no time to ourselves & almost no sex life to speak of. Plus our son woke us up and we woke him up. So, since he took naps in his crib, we just started putting him to bed in his crib. If he woke up crying, he came into our room. At some point, we put the pack and play away b/c our room is TINY, so if our son woke up, he came into our bed. So for months, we were back to family bed at least half the night! Eventually he would wake in his crib, but could be rocked back to sleep & would stay in his crib. Around 14-15 mos. he started sleeping through the night (9-11 hours) every single night. Our pediatrician and others have told us to cry it out. Well, my son is teething again & I am sure that's why his sleep has been bad, but pediatrician made me feel guilty about us going into his room to help him get back to sleep. So, last night I tried crying it out...30 minutes or less. My little guy got so upset, when I checked on him he was asleep, in his own vomit! It was everywhere. Lesson learned - trust my instincts. I know what is right for my son. If I had spent 10 or even 20 or 30 minutes parenting him to sleep, it would have been easier than all the laundry & clean up & guilt that I felt. The doctor does not live in our house nor does he hear my son when he cries. From now on, I will listen to myself & go to my son if that's what I think is best for him. Good luck to you. You will figure out what is right for you. I think if you take precautions to be safe with the co-sleeping & you and your husband have time for yourselves (my husband works odd hours & travels, so we don't get a lot of alone time)you should be fine. After all, you know what is best for you & your family. I happen to know (maybe b/c I have talked openly about our son being in our room for so long) that there are A LOT more people with "family beds" even if that's not what they intended or what they call it -for a variety of reasons. Trust your instincts & as long as you & your husband are o.k. with the arrangements, I don't see why you should change anything. Good luck!