OK, if it PMS and it is cyclical I can suggest what helped me - exercise #1, I upped it a lot! loosing weight (I am thin to begin with so I did not lose much, but when I started training regularly, it showed) #2, and #3 is mega doses of Primrose oil (1000 mg daily). I used Primrose oil daily for first 2 cycles, it worked miracles for depression, anger, other emotional symptoms, now I just start using it 2 days before I anticipate feeling crabby or at the first signs of emotional distress - it works! Exercise and weight loss got rid of excessive bleeding, cramps, swelling all that jazz. If I am still edgy, I can use Xanax at night, so I wake up very calm in the morning. I may do it for 1 night in 2-4 months if needed. Good luck!