I confess, I am confused by the majority of the responses you received (I'm also a "bit" confused by your specific question regarding Essure.) Does Essure specifically address the problem of excessive bleeding?
It seems to me that Kimberley is the ONLY responder that appropriately addressed the root cause of your health concerns - bleeding. A vaginally administered, partial hysterectomy seems like a SUPERB option. That process will not leave you with a scar, it will not eliminate your body's production of hormones (both "good" and "bad" news - see FYI below) and it WILL address the real source of your problem - excessive bleeding.
Fortunately I almost always had easy, perfectly regular periods. I very successfully used a copper IUD for birth control for 15+ years in my 1st marriage. In my late 40s, I went through a ~ 3-4 year phase of increasingly heavy periods, so I can relate to the physical affects of heavy bleeding and it is no fun! At least none of my periods ever extended past 7-10 days! If I had EVER had a period that lasted for two months, I would have RUN to the surgeon... especially since you have already made the decision that you cannot "risk" a future pregnancy. Why continue to deal with the menstrual cycles when they are the primary (or only) problem?
FYI: I am certainly not against vasectomy. My husband had one when he was quite young (long before we married) so I never had a birth control concern in this marriage (my 2nd.) However, I am now late perimenopausal and CANNOT WAIT to be done with the menstrual process for good! If it is possible for you to avoid hot flash phase by ditching the ovaries at a young age, then I would go for the full treatment. Talk to your doctor about that. Both my mother and my grandmother had full hysterectomies at about age 40, and they NEVER had a single hot flash (my mom had some sort of "very low dose" hormone replacement therapy, but my grandmother never took ANY form of hormones.) On the other hand, I am now 54 and the last 10 years has been AWFUL with regard to night sweats, melt-downs and all other forms of heat related discomfort. I can't even "snug like spoons" with my hubbie (something we both LOVE) for more than a couple of minutes before I set us both on fire! So, I am ALL FOR permanent solutions that address the real problem - if you have that option.
Wishing you the best success with a permanent medical solution!