I can't answer the pill question for you because I cannot take hormone's due to a tumor in my liver. However, after I had my twins I bleed heavy for 14 months straight! I was week and was very tired of bleeding. The MD doctors couldn't help me. I talked to my Chiropractor who also does herbal medicines about my issue and he gave me 2 pills one that heals my uterus and the other that heals my ovaries...and you know for the first time in 14 months I quit bleeding! My periods became normal, like I had before I had kids...3 days a week, light-heavy-spotting, no pain...
About the Vasectomy. You need to play that one up if you can. My husband was a little scared about it, and when I told him all the things we could do and not worry about getting pregnant, he was sold. And also how much of a less invasive, not so risky procedure it is compared to anything a woman has to go through. If your husband is adventurous then talk to him about all the places you could go together and then if you were in the moment you wouldn't have to worry about it, it could just happen.