Engraved Wedding Frame

Updated on September 04, 2013
C.O. asks from Minneapolis, MN
3 answers

I would like to buy my friend a nice picture frame engraved with their names & wedding date for their upcoming Wedding. Any recommendations of good places to get something like that? Thanks!

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So What Happened?

I found a nice frame at Things Remembered. I ordered it online and I'll be picking it up this afternoon. Thanks!

More Answers



answers from Chicago on

If you have the time, we orderd wedding albums for my parents and my hubbys. At the time we got a book that had 4x6 , 5x7 and 8x10 pages.. x number of each. we had the front engraved, with our date etc.


They may not carry the same things but they had some nice items.

Of course things rembmeberd has stuff.. :)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Los Angeles on

Try the store "Things Remembered" in your local mall or see if you can
order online from them.

You could probably google engraved gifts & get one delivered to your door.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Things Remembered

They are awesome and that is where my aunt and uncle got my husband and I an engraved frame for our wedding.

There is one at MOA or you can just go to their website.

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