Every relationship will have it's problems- just b/c you leave this problem does not mean there will not be another- grass is not always greener- He has a problem and obviously needs some help to get past it- Alcohol has always been a problem for us too- but after yrs of working through it, my hubbs came to the realization that alcohol is a weakness for him, THANK GOD he has learned to stay away from it. I think if you try to talk to your hubbs about it he will probably be on the defensive, and possibly confrontational. No one likes to admit their flaws, but he needs to understand how this affects you- However if you've only had this problem 2 other times in 3 yrs, I mean how bad is it really? I'm sure you are disappointed or let down over his slip up tonight, but is it really something to leave him over? His aggressive drunken behavior is not something that you should have to put up with, and he should understand that- As like most people under the influence, I'm sure this was a side of him that you don't know how to handle- Honestly, the only thing that would work for me in the past years was to pacify him until he would fall asleep, then talk about it in the morning with clear heads- Drunks can be unpredictable and aggressive and stroking the coles usually ends up in disaster- it is unfair that you have to deal with this, but through thick and thin . . . right?? In the morning you should talk to him about your concerns- Lovingly, not with judgement, try to talk to him like his wife, not his mother (even though you probably feel like it) and try to understand his perspective also- find some way you can connect with him about his "flaw" so he will be able to communicate to you about it and not feel like he should hide it from you, or feel like less of a man b/c of it- Let him know you support him, but you want him to get help or get control of it before it gets control of him, and you want him to be proud of himself, not defeated by this. Be a strong, supportive wife and help your husband be a better man- God Bless!
***** SO after one of your other posters sent me a very hateful and bullying private msg- I came back to this to make sure I had read the situation correctly- That is when I realized that you had added the "so what happened" after I had posted- From reading the original post it sounded to me like a "ops I drank to much" and a new relationship (3yrs)after reading what you added- clearly he has an addiction and you have been commited to him for much much longer- However my advice on staying with him remains the same no matter who disagrees with that- you clearly stated that he is not abusive and that this situation is not typical in your house- If he ever does start to be abusive to you, then I agree you SHOULD leave, not only for your safety but for your children- but since you stated that he is not abusive (only you and him know) I would not leave him- I do think getting a marriage counselor is a great step in the right direction! Best of luck~