Diaper Rash - Woodstock, GA

Updated on July 05, 2008
A.R. asks from Woodstock, GA
67 answers

my son has a bad diaper rash i change him all the time even when he is barely wet . i have tried everything and it is not going away he always wore papmers and i changed to a cheaper brand and im not sure if that is what doing it or something else it seems when he has a bowl movement it gets worse to. im sure im going to have to take him to the doctor but i was wondering if i could get and suggestions or if any one else has had this promblem .thanks A.

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wow thanks for all the great responces this site is really helpfull .my son diaper rash is now gone i changed back to pampers and that seem to be the promblem . thanks to everyone that left a responce


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answers from Atlanta on

Hi A.,
Try cutting out acidic drinks and food and see if it gets better, my son cant drink orange juice or eat any tomato based foods like spagetti, or some soups. If that still dosent help try useing cornstarch to powder his bottom instead of baby powder.

Good Luck



answers from Atlanta on

My daughter recently had a diaper rash and I tried abosolutely everything. My mom told me to try Triple Action Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder. So I tried tried it and it started drying the rash up by the next diaper change. Give it a try.



answers from Florence on

Go to the doctor!
Could be yeast...
He can give you some wonderful creams to help.....
I've been there.....Hope you get some relief!

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answers from Atlanta on

I know you said the rash is gone but I wanted to tell you what my pediatrician told us about my daughter's rashes. They would get so bad it looked like she had carpet burn all over her butt. He said to try not to wipe so much with the wipes, so now all her teachers at daycare know to only wipe if she has a stinky. Also, he suggested that after a stinky we spray her butt with a baking soda/water mixture to help neutralize the acid in the poop. Let that sit a minute and then spray off with plain water and let air dry. THEN put a barrier cream on(we only do this when it's a really bad one). He said one common mistake is putting the cream on before the baby is dry, therefore locking the moisture IN again the skin. Also, the brand/type of diaper used can affect your baby. My daughter rashes up everytime I try to use LUVS. I think it has a little bit of baby powder scent to it that irritates her skin.



answers from Charleston on

Hi A.,
Unfortunately it sounds like a yeast infection. Yougurt will help wonders. I use the yougurt drinks for my daughter. The dr. will probably give you some cream for it but you can only use that twice a day. In between (i know this is gonna sound funny, but have used it under my ped. recommendation) put maalox on it. It will soothe your sons bottom and make him feel better. It pulls the burn out. He'll have a chalky hiney but will feel better. I have also learned that baking soda in the bath helps for bath time since the warm water seems to hurt as well. My daugher has cronic ear infections and everytime she is on antibiotics she gets a yeast infection to go with it. The medicine from the dr alone will take a week or so to clear it up, but the yougrt helps immensly. When i give it to my little girl a couple of times a day it will clear up in a matter of a couple of days.
I hope this helps, good luck!
C. R.



answers from Macon on

Hey A., My name is R., once my son Dallas had a bad diaper rash, and his doctor had me buy some cream for foot fungus to use on him. I applied the foot fungus cream and put his regular cream on top of it and the rash was gone in a couple of days, also use a wet warm cloth instead of wipes the wipes burn like crazy because of the alchol. Good Luck and I hope his rash get better.



answers from Atlanta on

A., I am a 45 yr old grandma an have had 3 children of my own. My oldest had very sensitive skin she could only wear cloth diapers...the second child only LUVS, an the third only huggie's, so yes it could be from changing the diaper brand. Also my grandson started to get a rash we couldn't figure out why? , we hadn't changed his brand of diapers or detergant , I was stumped? then my grandmother ask if his diet had been changed?, I asked my daughter an she said she had started giving him apple juice...that turned out to be the culprit... the acidity in the juice was breaking out his bottom. Even if you haven't changed his diet, if someone else keeps him they maybe giving him more juice than you normally do? Also there is a new diaper rash cream out at wal-mart called buttpaste it good for other rashes too!
Mabel S. P.S. My advice is comming up under my daughters name B. M. cause I'm using her computer.



answers from Charleston on

You've gotten a lot of answers, so I'm sure you're totally confused... Here's my votes though: Go back to the original brand of diapers until it clears up--you can figure that one out later. Try triple paste (CVS, Walgreens)--it's pretty much a combination of all the things people on here have recommended to you all in one tub of paste. It's pretty expensive, goopy, thick, and gross, but it should drastically improve the rash in several hours. I found out about it from Dr. Sears' baby books. The best remedy, though, is to keep the diaper off as much as possible (can't have diaper rash without a diaper, right) and a little sunshine and fresh air on that bottom doesn't hurt either. Hope your little guy feels better soon!



answers from Atlanta on

My son had to wear pampers and use the sensitive skin wipes.



answers from Athens on

The best thing I found that works to quickest is Flounders Buttox Ointment. It looks thick brownish color but it is unbelievable!! Good luck



answers from Atlanta on

Here's another vote for Aquaphor... I've had fabulous results with it.

To help it clear up, give him frequent baths and let him play in the tub without a diaper for as long as you can.



answers from Augusta on

It sounds like it could be because you changed the brand of diapers, I have 3 kids and I found out with my first one that if you switch it will happen and also alot of people i know have had it happen to them. Hope this helps.



answers from Atlanta on

Does he drink cow's milk? That's a bad problem with the build up of yeast. Getting him off of that and using either coconut oil, yogurt, acidolphylus hidden in some foods, etc.

I gave a friend of mine some herbal ointment (can get in oil too) called Complete Tissue formula. She had gotten some prescription medication from the doctor and it wasn't working on her sons severe rash. He was in great pain. After using this for just ONE night, he was already tons better. You can get it in oil or ointment form and can get it at www.herbsfirst.com or www.worldhealthdepot.com cheaper.



answers from Charleston on

I went through this! For over a year 1/2 we could not figure out why my daughter was breaking out in the diaper region. She never had diaper rash as an infant and then after 1 1/2, it was there. Believe you me, we tried EVERYTHING! From otc cream to prescribion. Sometimes a cream would work for a couple of weeks and then back it came. I finally found a cream that would keep it at bay longer which was Arbonne Herbal Diaper Rash Cream. But then it quit too after a few weeks. Someone finally suggested cloth diapers to me. I tried it and it was gone right away!!! I use the ones from snap.ez.com I only need a few, since my daughter only needs them at night now. I wish someone would have told me this right away. Apparently she is allergic to something in the diapers (name brand/cheap) it didnt matter! Once I did the research on what is actually in disposible diapers, I was alarmed! I will only use the cloth on my next baby. If you want to know what type of diaper/inserts I used from the website, just let me know. It can be overwhemling if your not used to cloth! It has saved me hundreds of $ I know. I do still use the Arbonne for the occasional breakout and it is wonerful! Good luck to you guys:)



answers from Spartanburg on

I have a 3 year old who never has ever had the diaper rash. I learned from my cousin who is also a mother that for prevention use creams with the zinc oxide such as desitin or balm ex but for a true rash you should try vasoline. It is thick and is a water barrier. I used it when my son had diarrhea and he only had a slight redness to his bottom. Also if the rash does not clear with otc meds then you may need to see the doctor to make sure it is not a fungal infection. If that is the case you need a certain medicine to clear the rash. Also you do need to "air out " your childs buttocks daily until healed. Cloth diapers are an excellent way to do this. Best of luck. L.



answers from Spartanburg on

It does sound like it might be a yeast infection. If it is just a rash, Triple Paste has helped clear up terrible rashes on my son when nothing else will. Another thing that worked really well for us was Lansinoh brand baby wipes. They are treated with the Lansinoh cream for breastfeeding and they soothed and healed very quickly. Also if you don't try those, make sure you use alcohol-free wipes or just washcloth and water because the alcohol really stings. I hope your sweet boy gets better soon.



answers from Atlanta on

We had this problem with my grandson and the Dr had us add Acidopholis to his milk. We just opened the capsule and added to his bottle. It seems the antibiotics he had been on so much for ear infections had destroyed the good bacteria in his intestines. This cleared it up right away. It is also found in yogurt. We purchased it at a Health Food store.



answers from Atlanta on

Hello A.,
I'm D. from Ga. My oldest son had diaper rash a lot and it had gotten so bad at one time that it turned into a yeast infection. The doc told me to not use the cheaper brands of diapers, to use pampers. Also to allow him to lay nude on a thick blanket to allow the rash to air for a bit. Also to use corn starched powder when I changed him. It was a success! I was very pleased with the out come. Once my son was about 14 months I was able to use the cheaper diapers. I just tried them to see if he would have a rash and when he didn't I was so pleased, cause pampers are expensive.
Good luck my friend and let me know the outcome. :-)
Many Blessings, D.



answers from Charleston on

Have you tried the stuff they sell for athelete's foot? Yes, put it right on his heiny -- does the trick! Also try the no diaper approach. If it's warm, just dress him in a long shirt, no shorts/no diaper, especially for nap when he'll be in one place for a while. I know, you'll more than likely be cleaning a mess when he wakes up, but air drying does wonders! Try lining his bed/crib with a waterproof something with maybe a towel on top. Good luck!
If it's only with a poopy, something he's eating may be irritating him.



answers from Boston on

Take him to the doctor because he might have an infection that requires an antibiotic. But after you do take him to the doctor I recommend trying out Lansinoh Diaper Rash Ointment. It comes in a purple box. It contains lanolin and zinc oxide and dimethicone and with my daughter's sensitive skin, it is the only treatment we've used daily that prevents diaper rash. It creates a better barrier to protect the skin. We've been using it for several weeks and not one rash since. prior to we used Buttpaste, and Balmex. But this Lanolin stuff is awesome. Even protects from diarreah, which prior to starting the lanolin, would always cause irritation.
$6.99 a tube at Target. Will last a week or more. So worth it!
Plus, we only use kleenex to wipe our daughter and then use a damp washclothe and dry her very well. Putting ointment on a wet bottom will worsen the problem.
Also, maybe your child is allergic to something in wipes. our daughter is, which is why we don't use them.



answers from Spartanburg on

Triple paste, lots of time off with diaper. That helped our little girl after a couple of days and cleared it all up. Good luck!



answers from Athens on


My sister gave me advice when my daugther got a really bad diaper rash and it was to rinse her bottom with a little soap and water or just water, whenever I changed her diaper. I also put desitin on afterwards.
I did this for a while and have done it ever since. Of course I use wipes too, but whenever I can I rinsed her front and back and it has worked really well so far.




answers from Atlanta on

i had a lot of luck with a cream called Aquaphor.

good luck



answers from Charleston on

My kids all had very bad diaper rash. I kick myself now in hindsight knowing more etc about how I could have helped my daughter but 9 years ago I was really not aware of cloth diapers. With my 4yo I had wanted to use cloth from the beginning but it was all so overwhelming and my mom kept telling me "i couldn't handle it" well he was 3 months old by the time we had him full time in cloth and the only time he ever got a diaper rash again after that was if he was teething. My 2 yo was in cloth from day 1 and only ever got a diaper rash again when he was teething and it wasn't anything near as bad as what my 4yo 's was different kids and all.

Sometimes diaper rash is just caused from all of the chemicals in the disposable diapers the chlorine and the sodium polyacrylate (which i still don't understand why if it was banned in tampons for TSS why it is still in diapers) , the dioxins.

I think the most common question we got when people heard we cloth diapered was about the poop really its no different than a disposable diaper we just dump it in the toilet and put the diaper in the bucket. If you read the package on your disposable diapers you are supposed to be doing that anyway.



answers from Spartanburg on

A.--I have such a hard time with this too. You probably need to see the doctor, just to rule out a problem that would require a prescription--like a yeast infection. I like Boudreaux's Butt Paste...that is what it is called (Flanders is the same)....it is more expensive than other brands, but I have found it to be worth it. I also like, especially in the summer when it is so hot and humid...Gold Bond medicated powder. But if there is a yeast infection it will get worse with powder so have it checked out. Also, examine his diet. When my son gets too much juice, or too much acid-y fruit he will break out more.



answers from Savannah on

Boys can get yeast infections too, believe it or not! Mine has never but my friends son has had them twice and those are the exact signs (when they have a diaper rash that wont go away). Now, with that said, that may not be what this is but just letting you know it happened to my friend and those were the same signs.
I would take him to the doctor for sure.
Good luck.



answers from Atlanta on

My daughter just had this same type of diaper rash which ended up being a yeast diaper rash. Yeast from the BM mixes with the regular diaper rash and creates a yeast diaper rash. It's weird but it doesn't actually mean your son has a yeast infection as most of us women know yeast infections to be. The nurse told me to put Lamisil (the stuff for athletes' foot, I used the target brand) 4 times a day, and put a vaseline/Desitin mixture on top of it. Use the vaseline mix for the rest of the diaper changes. My daughters bottom was better by the next day and completely cleared up by day three. Hope it helps.



answers from Atlanta on

If this is a raised rash with bumps it is probably a yeast infection. Lotrimin (over the counter at the store) will get rid of it.

My daughter is very sensitive so the diaper creams I use are:
1. "Best Seat in the House" - buy it at Kohls - it is from their all natural Grassroots line and by the cosmetics
2. Porter's Salve. You have to Google this and then purchase online. It has a strong smell, but it gets rid of redness overnight. I use for many things as it seems to take the "sting" and throbbing out of ouchies too! Great for burns.

Hope this helps.



answers from Atlanta on

call the doctor. it's been a while, but I can remember having two different kinds of prescription diaper cream in the house. you might not even have to go in... he/she might just ask you to describe it. could be fungal, yeast, etc... that needs an rx.



answers from Atlanta on

Applying vaseline every time you change your baby will help if it is truly is only diaper rash. Otherwise see the doctor he may be sensitive/allergic to something that is coming in contact with. Hope this helps.



answers from Spartanburg on

I highly!! recommend Caldacene Powder- it is a pink bottle but works great to prevent diaper rash. Used it consistently on my 2 and had very little problems with rashes. If they do get it I like the Butt Paste and Aveno makes a great oatmeal bath soak that really helped to heal and soothe when we did have any issues. I hope this helps!



answers from Columbia on

Hey A., my son who is now 8 years old had horrible diaper rashes just because he has very sensitive skin. Our doctor suggested Flanders Buttocks Ointment and I got it at K-Mart (you have to ask the pharmasist for it). It is about $10.00 but well worth every penny. We still use it on cuts, scrapes and any other skin irritation. It has White Petrolatum and Zinc oxide in it along with castor oil, light mineral oil, peruvian balsam and white beeswax. You can find it on the website www.FlandersButtocksOintment.com. I hope this helps and good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

If your baby has acidic bowel movements you can dab some Mylanta on a cotton ball and put it all over his bottom. This really protects and soothes the affected area. Also the best cure for a really bad rash is naked time. I know this can be messy but if you just lay out a big blanket it will help with the messiness.



answers from Charleston on

he may have a yeast infection ... boys and guys can get them too or so i've heard.



answers from Spartanburg on

Hey A.,
it very well could be your diapers you are using, or even the wipes. i would change the brands. Also the best way to clear him up is to take his diaper off and let him go without it. preferably in his crib, it will make a mess, but he will clear up quickly.



answers from Atlanta on

My daughter had the same problem from 0-8mos until my daycare provider recommended using plain vaseline. Think about it - you can put vaseline on yourself at night and that stuff is still on you in the morning! It will provide the best protection between his wetness and his skin. It's easier to clean up than all those diaper rash treatments. Even Desitin and all the other major brands didn't work for us. I did find success in using Aquaphor, but I didn't like paying that much just to put it on her bum! Plain vaseline - slather 'em up good!

Oh - and try giving him a warm bath with a little baking soda in the water. The baking soda calms the ph levels and irritation and will also soothe the pain for him.



answers from Atlanta on

what types of ointments have you tried? our daughter was allergic to desitin and it actually made her rash worse. i just use lots of vaseline at each diaper change and occasionally a and d ointment. the pampers swaddlers are the best diapers, they seem to absorb the best. if it persists, the doctor can put the baby on an oral or topical medication to help, but make sure he is not having a reaction to the ointments you are using.
good luck



answers from Atlanta on

Have you tried not using wipes? - My daughter went through the exact same thing and I couldn't seem to clear it up. I went through all different kinds of diapers, creams and wipes. I finally realized that it was the wipes so now I make my own. It cleared up and we haven't had a problem since.



answers from Atlanta on

A. hi,
It may be yeast if the normal ointments don't work. You may want to take him in to the doc so see if it is and get a Rx for nystatin. Also, you could try a bath with cornstarch.



answers from Columbia on

is there a chance it is a yeast infection rather than a diaper rash? If so, then your ped. will prescribe an antibiotic...



answers from Atlanta on

It may be a kind of yeast infection. My son had this when he was younger. It looked like very bad diaper rash and his skin started peeling off. One trip to the doc and some anti-fungal cream (nystatin i think)was prescribed and it started to clear in a few days. That is one possibility.



answers from Savannah on

I had the same problem with my daughter. I changed her all the time and I seemed to always be taking her to the doctor. I used the cheap stuff and I tried Huggies but for some reason the only one I could use was luvs. I don't know why. My sister also had a problem and the only one she could use was luvs. Just thought this might help.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi A.,

I have a diaper rash cream that my friends/family/clients swear by! I can send you a sample or you can just buy it, but I guarantee it will work. It is a natural product too so no petroleum products in it which if you are using something like Destin it has mineral oil in it which is like putting gasoline on your baby's skin, so it may be irritating him.

Also, I use Costco brand diapers and LOVE them! I used them for my first girl and now use them for my 4 month old. Pampers never worked for us and I've always been happy with the cheaper brand, but I don't have a boy so it may be different.

I would love to help if you want to get some of my cream. My pediatrician likes it so much he passes samples out for me in his practice. It really is the best out there!



answers from Atlanta on

I'm not sure about the switching of diapers. I was fortunate and able to use any type of diapers, but I did only use the Newborn wipes or a washcloth on my daughter. I found the only cream that helped her was Dr. Smith's Diaper cream. It's kind of pricey (about $12-13), but it worked miraculously on her. I found it at CVS and most drug stores, but they didn't have it at Walmart at that time. Good luck! Also, air dry as much as possible.



answers from Athens on


My sister and I were just talking about this no more than 5 minutes ago! My suggestion is Buttpaste...it is in a yellow tube (it comes in a box) with a little cartoon baby on it. She has always used an utter cream found at a pet store!! No kidding!!! It is a huge green tub and is used for cow utters. She said it worked over night for her kids everytime. Good luck!!!!



answers from Atlanta on

I had this same issue when we tried to use Luvs diapers. We just went back to using Huggies or Pampers, and we haven't had the problem since. To help heal the rash it caused, we tried lettin ghim "air out" with no diaper for a little while each day. We would also use baby aquaphor on his bottom after every diaper change; we still put baby aquaphor on his bottom every night to prevent diaper rash. Hope this helps. Good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

It could be yeast..... so you may need ointment for that but I have had a girlfriend who use cornstarch in the diaper on top of diaper rash cream over the rash itself an it helped alot...... olive oil also works well but it repels the urine from the rash rather than conventional diaper rash ointment.... Good Luck!!



answers from Atlanta on

Boudreaux's butt paste or Johnson and Johnson Three in One cream are the best. Change back to the brand diapers and limit fruit except applesauce from your little one's diet for a few days. I'm a nurse and had a baby with colitis. This helped my son and I hope it helps your little one. W.



answers from Atlanta on

If it's from bowel movements, milk of magnesia helps break down the acid in both urine & BM's. Take a cotton ball and put a little on his bottom. Clear acne too.



answers from Athens on

Hey A., My name's E.. I have a 2 yr old too. He's my youngest of 5. Often if a baby or toddler has a rash that's not clearing up (esp. after bowel movements), it can be a yeast infection. It's hard for me to describe how it looks different, but I know it when I see it. You can get cream for it at your pediatrician. Or you can find generic anti-fungal cream at Walmart for really cheap. . .even a "Monistat" type cream would clear it up. If it's a yeast infection, it'll begin to clear up really quickly once you get the cream on there. Hope that helps. E :)



answers from Atlanta on

One possible cause of diaper rash is food sensitivity, which is very common in babies and toddlers. The most common is milk, followed by eggs, nuts, and wheat. When my two year-old had persistent diaper rash, we changed her to soy, and she cleared right up. A good sign that it's a food sensitivity is if the rash is a circle of small bumps right around the anus. If so, start by switching to soy or rice milk and add some acidopholus probiotic (or just feed him yogurt about once a day) to his milk. Another sign is if he often has a runny nose (clear) or chronic infection (i.e. ears). Also, I have a lot of experience with children with food sensitivities/ allergies and the bummer about it is that the vast majority of M.D.s are not helpful with diagnosing them. Of all the children I've helped with food sensitivites, their doctors have never identified the source of the problem, so don't expect an M.D.s help if it is a food allergy. I guess they would rather just prescribe antibiotics for the symptoms than eliminate the source of the problem.



answers from Atlanta on

Could be that he got a bacterial infection that would take more than diaper rash cream to resolve. Could also be yeast. For the bacterial, you'd use one thing and for the yeast, you'd use something else. I think the best thing to do would be to have the pediatrician see it. In the meantime, diaperless as often as possible?



answers from Atlanta on

Hi A.. It sounds like he is having a reaction to the diapers. Try going back to Pampers and see if it clears up. If that doesn't work, I would probably see the doctor. Good luck.



answers from Spartanburg on

i had great luck with Baby Aquaphor made by Eucerin. clears up any rash, even used it myself.



answers from Spartanburg on

My daughter had problems with Pampers when they switched their lining a few years ago. I switched diapers and she no longer got the daily diaper rash. To be safe, you might have the doctor check it to make sure it isn't a yeast infection.
Good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

Go to the health food store and get wheat germ oil and rub on his bottoms. Unless bottoms have changed in the last 28 years ( I used it on my son 28 years ago and it worked), it should work for you. J. G.



answers from Charleston on

I would cut back on the juice intake and try vagisil... I know, but boys can get yeast infections too. I went through this with my oldest when she was still in diappers, and that is what the doc. told my to do. Good luck, and don't let it stress you too much.



answers from Atlanta on

My son started getting some pretty bad diaper rashes when he was about 8months old. I tried everything but could not get rid of it. His poor little bottom looked so sore to me. I tried different diaper rash creams, I changed the brand of diapers we were using and nothing was working.
Finally his daycare center suggested that I try a spray that would typically be used for Athletes Foot. I was desperate and went straight to the grocery store and purchased an Athlete's Foot Spray. His diaper rash cleared up in a matter of days. I was so relieved.
I also found that sometimes what we think is a diaper rash is actually being caused by yeast so if the foot spray doesn't work try and buy some Monistate 7 at the store and apply it like you would Desitin and see if this cures his rash.
Good Luck. I hope you try this. I wouldn't suggest it if I hadn't tried it myself and saw the relief my son got from it's use.



answers from Columbia on

Your son has a yeast infection. Yes he has a yeast infection. Babies get those too. Boys also. My daughter would get it so bad to where she would bleed. Are you using wipes on him? Well, some babies are allergic to the wipes. Mine is. Also thoes over the counter rash creams just make it worse. So this is what I was told to do and TRUST ME A. IT WORKS. Stop useing wipes. Only use them to wipe the hands and face. Now I know what you are saying, what do I use to wipe if he poops? Use a warm wash cloth. Now to get rid of the rash first wash him in DOVE. Those baby soaps and shampoos just make everything worse. TRUST ME. But before you wash him let him sit in luke warm water with added baking powder in it. Baking powder will dry it up. He must sit for at least 15 min. That's not long. Play a game with him. Let him splash water. After that wash him in DOVE. Get the plain DOVE. Not the one with added anything. Rinse him real well and dry him real well. Now let him air out. TRUST ME. Now I was told over night let him air out. But I only did it for 15 minutes and it worked for me. So let him sit somewhere and play with a pee-pee pad under him or towles. So he wont pee everywhere. After that put on a fresh diapher. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING DOWN THERE. NO CREAMS. DO NOT USE WIPES ANYMORE. TRUST ME A.. I HAVEN'T USED A WIPE IN OVER 8 MONTHS OR SO. It works for me great. I do not have to worry about a RASH BREAKOUT. YOU WILL SEE RESULTS IN ONE DAY. Now you must repeat this everyday until the rash is gone. BUT I TELL YOU THE TRUTH. DOING IT THIS WAY YOU WILL BE DONE WITH THIS RASH WITHIN 3 DAYS.

Now A. when you take your son to DAYCARE PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE IT WRITTEN IN HIS FILES THAT THEY ARE NOT TO USE ANY WIPES ON HIM. ONLY A WARM WASHCLOTH. Daycares are a trip so not only do you have to have it in his files but you must tell them verbally. Make sure the director knows as well as his teacher.

Now A. all this I have told you our mothers did this with us. They did not have creams and stuff. They went up in their cabinets and got out the baking powder or corn starch. You know sometimes we must go back to the ole school ways of doing things. I know I did.




answers from Atlanta on

I'm assuming it's your 2 year old son? Maybe his diet is to acidic? I used A&D Ointment and would put it on right after my son's bath and would keep it on until it completely cleared up. You said that you work full time, is his caregiver changing his diaper often enough? Good luck.



answers from Atlanta on

It maybe a yeast infection. It happens with babies somethimes.( even boys) its a raised bumppy rash and no matter how much diaper cream you put on there,it wont go away. he would need to be taken to a doctor to see for sure



answers from Charleston on

My son had a BAD rash once- and I tried everything I could. My friend told me of her trick. Use Desitin Creamy and then cover that with vaseline; and be VERY generous with them both. Within a couple of days, he was all cleared up. Good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

HI A.- could he be teething? when my son teeths it's constant diaper rash! Also- two of my kids could only tolerate huggies diapers- something in the pampers (purfume or bleach or something) irritated thier behinds.YOu may even want to try an natural organic brand.
if it's really red and blistery - try putting a cotton ball soaked with mylanta or malox (an antacid) and dabbing it on the area. then put a thick layer of balmex on it (balmex and flanders are the only diaper ointments that worked for my kids) youcan get flanders at the pharmacy they may have it or you may have to order it - but you don't need a prescription. Also- could it be possible he has yeast overgrowth? I know this can happen in the diaper area even for boys- it might be worth checking out from you pediatrican.
Good luck



answers from Atlanta on

Hi A., I tried cheaper diapers with my son and he too got a terrible rash. Try Triple Paste works great! It is expensive, but a little goes a long way and you get fast results. I got it at Walmart. I hope this helps.




answers from Atlanta on

Chances are, the way to really help him is to switch to cloth diapers. The culprit could be the chemicals in the dipes (and there are lots of them)..or the fact that his skin cannot breathe. Think about what it would be like to have your skin constantly contained in an environment that is all chemicals, and no air flow. It makes for some major problems. I would suggest trying cloth, they make some great ones that are fitted and work just like a disposable. And wool covers are easy to take care of and are your best option for a breathable dipe. We use cloth on both our kids and have from day one. It's easy, better for the environment, and so much safer on your child than disposables. www.diaperpin.com is a great forum that can help you decide which dipe will work for you. You can send me a personal message if you have any questions about cloth, I'd be happy to help you out.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi A.,

We had this problem with my twin boys too, it could be a yeast infection (yes you can get a yeast infection of the butt - who knew?).

Call your pediatrician and s/he may can tell you what kind of OTC anti-fungal cream to try.

I also second the zinc diaper creams, we find Desitin Overnight (40% zinc) really does the job for us.

Good luck!



answers from Savannah on

Change back to the Pampers for a while. If it goes away, well, there you go. My son couldn't wear Luvs, even though I used them with my other 2, go figure. If it isnt the diapers, it could be a yeast infection. I think you have to take them to the Dr. for that.

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