Every baby goes through separation anxiety around this age. It's a phase that will eventually pass. Being around others, like in a daycare setting would initially be an adjustment for her, but it's something she would get used to. (Usually, the parent endures this in the beginning, as well.) Remember, she loves you, & she loves being around you. This is a good thing.
Also, no two children are going to behave the same. Although there are similarities sometimes between siblings, there will likely be more differences. So, it's not really fair that your husband compares his first two kids to your baby. She's her own individual person & will behave so.
I'm sure that having a newborn, feeling the pressures that come with that, and being away from family make it especially hard on you. Are there any moms groups in the area where you live or at the base that you could attend? Sometimes just sitting & listening to other moms go through similar situations can help alot.
Trust your instincts and keep on loving your baby. I H. this all helps!!