I was in a similar situation with my son's father. I finally told him that it was my job as the mom to protect my son. My door was always open for him to come and see him, which he chose not to, and I always sent an invitation to him (and girlfriend if he had one) and to the rest of his family for birthday parties, first communions etc. In the begining he would come but that eventually stopped. The older my son got the more often his father would call and by then (14yrs.) my son would know not to count on his dad showing up when he would say he was going to. I met a great guy when my son was 3 and through that and my dad and the other males in my family my son had a great and normal childhood. I would be honest with him when he would ask me "why didn't daddy show up" and tell him that his daddy did love him he just has a hard time following through with things. My son passed away when he was 16 and his father missed out on his whole life which was HIS CHOICE!! I feel good that I protected him from all the heart break that was headed his way through his birth father. Best of luck to you. Stand strong!! Things will work out.