That is a tough situation - men are hard to are smart not to fight in front of the daughter...but it is also good that you are expressing yourself to him. Instead of focusing on his likeness to your beloved grandparents, reiterate to him that he is your partner and he needs to be there for you and his daughter. Sounds like he is a hard worker and misses time with her, so he tries to compensate for that by coming in and being the good Dad....when you talk to him, explain how you feel undermined, ask him what he thinks would solve the problem. Men love giving advice or fixing if he comes up with something, then maybe it will give him a chance to walk a mile in your shoes and actually see where you are coming from. Also - sit down with him to have 'house rules' that you both agree on - such as, one meal for everyone, no special treats unless all dinner is eaten, etc...and then everyone stick to the rules! Give him suggestions of how to spoil her in different, mutual ways - like play games with her, etc. Also, at a different time, explain to him that you would really appreciate his help with daily chores, etc. I just became a SAHM, but even when I was working full time, I did way more work around the house than my husband - I guess it's the way of the, men probably assume women prefer it that way because we are more opinionated and make the house rules for the most part, so they are at times 'interfering' with the house rules when they try to help or do things that are not what we they back off entirely. Catch 22! Now that I am a SAHM, I still need help's easy to get burned out! Ask him what chores he wouldn't mind helping with - maybe 2 to start with...and then kindly remind him if he doesn't do it - that was hard for me - I'm too prideful to ask for help and I would end up doing it myself because I figured he's a grown man and can be responsible without me reminding him, if I can be responsible without his help...but it doesn't work that way - my DH didn't mind helping out, but for the life of him could not remember to do basic now I casually remind him and he will get to it - sometimes still forgets, but he agreed to try to take more initiative if I agreed to ask for more help. So, the more I asked, the more I realized he would help and it was indeed a help! So, approach this as a different subject from the daughter issue and just see if he will do a couple daily chores like taking out the trash and maybe emptying the dishwasher...and then when there is something special, like a school event, ask if he would like to take your daughter while you do stuff around the house, so he can spend quality time with her and you will have some time to catch up on stuff. I think when I get burned out it's partly because no one helps me, but also because I take a lot on myself and don't ask for help. I would complain and nag and get frustrated because no matter how many times I told my husband he needs to help me, he never would - but as soon as I was specific and said - will you do such and such, or will you etc....he would actually respond and do it...see if that helps....please keep up posted!! Good luck.