Our therapist had us practice talking to each other.
We would sit facing each other. One of us would start.
You: Honey, I don't like it when you drive fast
Him: I heard you say you don't like it when I drive like a normal person should drive...I like to get where I'm going.
You: I heard you say......and it goes on from there. It should only be a few times back and forth and the point should be made.
The big one "I" remember from our time doing these was when hubby's topic was that he was worried about my safety when I didn't wear a seatbelt. To this day I never get in a car and not put on my seatbelt. It just does not happen, I am so used to it that I feel naked and exposed with out it.
I think that the therapist can make huge headway with this. Hubby is putting his and everyone else's lives in danger when he is driving like this. It is something that I would not back down on.
next semester tell them you are not available until a certain time and if you cannot be in this program then you need to find a different setting for the same program.
One of my friends was going into a nursing program, she was a straight "A" student. She had little ones and could not find child care anywhere in her town before 7am. (She is the reason I opened my child care center at 5:30am. There are a lot that are open that time of day, you might find one).
She could literally not do clinicals. They told her should could not be in the program if she could not be on time, she drew a hospital in a town about 45 minutes away too. Stinks for sure. She would have to leave her house about 5:30am to get the kids dropped off and then drive to the next town.
She finally had enough. She enrolled the next semester at the Vo-Tech where the classes are during school hours. She was able to manage her kids and home life a whole lot better.