I did go through this. Atleast in the 1st trimester. I hated almost all the stuff I loved before-lots of flavor-& just wanted anything bland or sweet & sour. My husband tattled on me to my mid-wife & told her I ate too much candy. I said everything made me naseous & she said that it's fine to just eat what I can; I'll make up for it in later months-which was so true. Apples actually helped with morning sickness & gave me energy. Make sure to take vitamins to help out(I took children's gummy,mmmmm,because I couldn't handle the "horse pills") & drinking high protein,low carb shakes help, too. A good one to try is Atkins Advantage. The way your child will eat just depends on what you feed her/him & expose them to,so don't worry about their diet out of the womb.You can always talk to your doctor at appointments,too, with any concerns,which I'm sure you probably have & are just searching for more advice. Hope this helped a little.