Getting out of a marriage is not always the 'happy ending' that it looks like. It sounds as if he doesn't even realize how unhappy you are. Men are very bad about this. If there's not a big fight going on, they seem to think that EVERYTHING is 'OK' even when the wife is thoroughly dissatisfied!
Here are some factors to consider:
> Is he kind to you? (Or does he often purposely say things that hurt your feelings? Or does he EVER physically hit or hurt you?)
> Is he a good provider? (Or does he not work? Or does he spend the family money without agreement from you as to what it should be spent for?)
> Is he faithful to you? (Or does he have affairs? Or does he flirt with other women?)
> Is he a decent person? (Or does he have addictions? Or is he dishonest -- does he lie, cheat, or steal?)
> Is he trusting of you? (Or is he controlling of your time, activities, friendships, finances, etc? Or does he accuse you of things you don't even do?)
If you answered all the first questions of each set with 'Yes', then you should probably try to learn/find some ways to be happier within yourself, to express your feelings to him, to bring out his emotions and romantic side, and get closer to him.
If he's NOT kind & faithful to you, a good provider, and/or a decent, trustworthy and trusting person in general, you should probably find your way out of the relationship.