Cloth Diapers? - Smyrna,TN

Updated on April 20, 2009
H.B. asks from Smyrna, TN
30 answers

I am considering cloth diapers as an alternative because regardless of the disposbales I use on my son or how often I change him his skin breaks. Where can I find cloth diapers that are AFFORDABLE? I would even use used ones after I wash them. Does anyone use cloth diapers? How exactly do you use them? Are they really cheaper in the long run. I have been doing alot of research on this topic and it seems an all around better alternative regardless of the inconvenience of washing them.

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WOW....I am overwhelmed by the amazing support out there for something that is no longer considered conventional. I found a stock of diapers and a high chair (which he needs anyways) for $100 and it should be enough to last until he's around 28-35 lbs. I'm excited to try this and my husband is very supportive. Fortunately there are a few AIOs in the bundle so he can handle diaper time as well. i confirmed with his Dr. that the chemicals put in diapers to make the gel stuff that holds in the wet (kinda like in sanitary napkins) was what is causing these horrible rashes. She strongly suggested CD as well. I'm sure this will be an amusing adventure if nothing else since he is at the wiggly stage. Thank you all for your support and responses. I really hope that there is a time when I can be as helpful to you sometime soon as well.

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answers from Knoxville on

My son could not wear disposables either, they all broke him out. There are tons of options for cloth these days. The thing that worked for me was to find diaper liners (I got mine at JC Penney's) - they are tissue thin and you can flush them, and it keeps from having to wash poop out of the diaper. Do a search online for cloth diapers and diaper covers, and you'll come up with exactly what you need.

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answers from Nashville on

I use cloth diapers. I had a ton of people telling me that it was too much work, messy, that they leaked, that I was crazy to even consider it, etc, etc, blah, blah. I went ahead and did it. I am glad and so is my husband. It has been an enormous savings for us. It is initialing a bit expensive. I borrowed some really nice cloth diapers from a friend and used those for the first three months as I slowly gathered enough to do it on my own. If you really want to go cheap. Get 24 prefolds and 6 to 8 diaper covers. I even found used diapers and new ones for cheap on Ebay. I was able to get the expenzive Fuzzi Bunz, all in ones(AIO) for only $10 a peice on Ebay and the typically sell for $18 a piece. Bum Genius for AIO's are good priced and work well for a night time diaper, especially if you double it with a prefold inside. The washing part doesn't bother me because I just throw them in at night, dry them in the morning and then toss them into a basket, no need to fold them!
Good luck. You can also try cloth diapers for a month for only $10 at

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answers from Lexington on

We used cloth diapers for two years with the second one and I am SO GLAD we did. I also am a SAHM, tho after doing it I don't think I could have if I worked. I couldn't get the older women in the church nursery who used CD on their own to change her, much less other care givers. No one seems to be able to conceive of using CD anymore....

I would HIGHLY recommend you NOT try the chinese prefolds from walmart/babies r us. They are NOT made for actual CD'ing. There are chinese prefolds out there that are if that's the way you want to go....

We used Bum Genius 2.0 & 3.0 pocket diapers and love every minute of it! They are almost EXACTLY the same concept as disposables in terms of shape/use. We started with the 2.0 bc that's what was out when we purchased. I actually started with a starter kits from one of the websites and bought some off ebay to compare - a BG all-in-one (AIO), mother eden?, happy heiny, homemade, and several others.....diff styles....cloth with rubber pants, AIO, pocket....we found the BG to be the best for us. They are one size fits all so you only have to buy one set instead of a new set every time baby grows. We invested about $400 in 24 dipes, detergent, liners, 2 pail liners, and 2 day bags all from We will use the everything with the next baby.

My favorite thing about the BG's, besides the OSFA, the softness, and the convenience was their ONE YEAR GUARANTEE. Which we used, btw. The elastic on our 2.0's wore out as they recommended bleaching the dipes once a month. It ate the elastic. I no longer bleach dipes. But I returned the dipes according to their policy and procedures - all 24 of them - and they replaced them no questions asked with the new 3.0 which we like even better - all 24 of them!

It is recommended that you purchase 36. We did 24 bc thats all we had the $ for, but i did have to do laundry nearly every day too. Also, we got the pocket diapers bc I found the AIO didn't hold up as well AND they took WAYYYYY too long to dry. With the pockets, I would wash them all together, then actually took to hanging them out separately to dry on a sweater rack as I found it naturally bleached the dipes and left them smelling amazing, whereas the dryer left them smelling like a latrine....

BG's also come in hemp (thirties!), unbleached cotton/hemp, bamboo which is WAY thirstier than cotton! As far as detergent, I ordered Allen's Naturally from after trying several other things. We live in BFE KY and there is no where around here to buy anything natural. (we acutally have city regulations AGAINST green stuff - no gray water sys, no solar panels, no....well....nvrmd) We tried Bac Out but it didn't work AND gave my DD a HORRIBLE rash. Also, you'll want to strip your diapers in the wash with 2 TBS of original Dawn when they stop absorbing so well - typically that's about 1x2-3mos. We have the hardest water in the world (filtered through bedrocks of limestone) so we had to do it every 3-4 wks.

Also, I found that I hated the tissue liners. I'd rather wash the dipes out in the toilet. And they doo make a sprayer you can attach to your toilet for that purpose. But again, thats subjective. I'd recommend starting with a small pack of those instead of the sam's-size economy box.

Have you tried Nikki's diapers? there are a HOST of CD sites out there. Diaperswappers is a board where you can buy/trade/sell CD. Diaperpin is awesome bc it has ALL the info on CD you could ever want, as well as detergents, accessories, etc. Better yet, it provides REVIEWS.

We spent $300/mo on the first child's dipes. I spent that on one set of dipes for the second and never bought more - imagine how much we saved ea mo! And water bill only went up by about $15/mo.

btw - you can't use diaper rash cream, etc with disposables - it ruins them. We never had a problem with that tho. the only time we needed to use diaper rash cream was when someone mistakenly put a disposable on her.

you will love CD if you try them!! well....we did..... :)

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answers from Wheeling on

I love cloth diapers.
I'm doing it old school (with the folding and pin method) but I also have a small stack of what are called "all in ones" that are EXACTLY like disposables... except that they are completely washable and reusable. (I just like the old school method better. I save the others for my Hubby to use since he's a fan of "sposies" aka disposables.)

There are a ton of moms out there selling their old stash on ebay, or that work from home making them... otherwise, there are also a lot of free patterns so you could sew your own.

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answers from Wheeling on

Cloth diapers doesn't have to be an 'all or nothing' proposition. It's just a 'trial and error' system of finding how they work best for you. For some, it's easier to use them only in the winter -- or in the summer. I think most moms use disposables on outings and trips.

I used them a little over half of the time with our 4 (now adults), and our daughter has used them at least 'some' with each of her 3. There are so many new and different types of diapers that it can be confusing, but I prefer flat ones that you need to fold. And use liners! They make the poopy diapers SO MUCH easier to deal with, and if the baby's only 'wet', just rinse and re-use the liners!

Oh~ and never use fabric softener -- liquid or dryer sheets - on diapers (or towels, either, for that matter). It forms a 'waxy' coating on the fibers and makes them non-absorbent.

Imagine how 'swollen' all those disposable diapers are in landfills if any water can get to them! And the cost is really 'out there' on disposables.

Somehow using cloth diapers, breastfeeding and staying home with the children just make you 'feel' more motherly (and that's not to insult anyone who works outside thehome, bottle feeds and/or uses disposables! It's just a personal observation from experience!)

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answers from Memphis on

I switched to cloth when my older son was about 9 m/o, and I never regretted it. The cost savings is just huge. I had overestimated the mess and time involved in cloth (not much different from disposables), and underestimated how good and absorbent they really are. And I used the old-fashioned rectangular ones that you use real diaper pins with! (You can also use Snappis, but I never tried them.)

I got my diapers at -- a lot of times they have deals where you can get factory "seconds" for cheaper than the first-run new ones, which is what I did. But a word of warning about the plastic pants -- GET NYLON not vinyl!!!! I cannot emphasize this enough. The vinyl ones always tore within a couple of weeks, no matter how careful I was with them; but the nylon ones lasted for literally years no matter how I treated them. I think I threw away maybe 2-3 pairs of nylon pants, and that was because the interior waterproof lining on them had rubbed off and they were no longer waterproof. But that was after months and months of use with them. I got them at, but you may be able to find them elsewhere.

I chose as I did because it was the cheapest way for me at the time to do it. Plus, factoring in the cost of extra drying time with the super-thick cloth diapers and all-in-ones, that adds up to a much higher electric bill. If you don't have to be super-frugal, that might not worry you; but if you're wanting to save money, then it's a consideration.

My SIL had to use cloth on her youngest because he got an indescribably horrible rash from all disposables. Finally, after several months of using cloth at home and disposables on trips, she discovered that the Kroger brand did not break him out. Perhaps he outgrew his allergy enough because he was in cloth and only cloth for several months, but all other brands made him break out. I never had a problem with any of the brands; but I've known other people whose children could not tolerate one brand or another -- but always a different one, so it's not like I could say to stay away from one particular brand.

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answers from Johnson City on

We use cloth diapers...I think we found affordable ones on the little lions website (?). I also look for used ones on
We've had success with them...and I love them--they are easy on baby's bottom, easy on the environment, and really darn cute!
Good Luck!

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answers from Lexington on

I have used the same set of Kushies-all-in-ones on both my boys and LOVE them. We keep a bucket with a lid in the bathroom and every few days wash the load and line dry them. I highly recommend using cloth, in whichever brand you buy! Please let me know if you have any questions.

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answers from Jacksonville on

We used cloth diapers with my first son for quite a while, and pretty much what we remember of the experience is how nasty it was. And, the diapers are awfully expensive, as you've found. I wanted to do it to save money, but I'm not sure that we did. You do have to factor in the cost of electricity (usually takes more than one washing to get the smell out) and detergent and water, especially if using hot water, and then gas or electricity with the dryer, unless you can hang them outside. It's a toss up which is better for the environment - diapers in the land fill, or thousands of gallons of water washing, then drying, and all those chemicals...

I actually bought a lot of the diapers used off ebay (I looked for all in ones), but the plastic on the outside sure didn't stay dry, so I still had to put "plastic pants" on over that. I also used the plain Gerber ones you can find at any store, that you fold and use pins with. I was always afraid of stabbing him with one of those giant pins. There are probably more expensive ones that really would work, but then what's the point in paying $20+ for one diaper if trying to save money, I decided. I finally went to using generic disposable, and didn't bother at all with cloth for my next son. And by the way, I've never found any name brand (huggies, loves, pampers, etc) to be any better at "stopping leaks" (like they all claim) than the store brands. When my boys had a blow out, there was nothing stopping it.

Don't let me discourage you if you want to do it, though. One thing that definitely saves money is potty training by age two, which can be done with the book Toilet Training in Less Than a Day, which I found when it was time to train my second son. That saved us a year's worth of diapers, compared to my first son, whom I had no idea how to train, and he was nearly 3 when I finally just did it. Also, the thing with disposable diapers is that they pull the "moisture" away from baby's skin, which in theory should keep the skin from getting a rash, but some say that the chemicals/materials in the diapers cause the rash. But, with cloth diapers, the moisture is right there, so to keep the bottom dry, you'd need to change the diapers constantly, so then you'd need truckloads of the cloth diapers...

If you do a lot of research and find specific reusable diapers that you want to try, you might look for them on ebay or craigslist. Also, there are people who don't use diapers at all (imagine that). They learn to listen to baby's grunts and such to know when they are about to go, and put a pot under them to go in. Sounds weird, but there are people who do that. You can find books on the subject on amazon (I forget what the "method" is called), and the reviews for the books are kind of funny - some are successful with it and some definitely aren't. Good luck.

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answers from Huntington on

Hi H.! I used BumGenius 3.0's on my son and they are WONDERFUL!!!

I bought 10 of them and a few extra inserts for double stuffing at night, and that was all we really needed. I washed them every other day. I didn't do it exactly as the directions say to, but here's what I did... Rinse in cold water. Wash in hot water, twice. Rinse again. Oh, and you have to shake the "poo" out into the toilet first. It usually falls right out. Anything left over came out in the wash.

They're definitely worth the original cost (about $18, new)and they look so cute on babies! The 3.0's are adjustable from 7 to 35 pounds so you don't have to buy a lot of different sizes.

I will be using them again (same ones) on my second baby, due in August!

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answers from Lexington on

Not to dissuade you about using cloth diapers..but have you by chance used Gold Bond's medicated baby powder? It works wonders. You can find it at Wal-mart, CVS and I beleive Walgreens. Give it a shot, I even use it on myself!
Other than that. The idea behind cloth diapers IS to wash and reuse. Unless you have a LOT of time to do this, I suggest you try the powder. My mother used cloth diapers on my baby sister...she was exhausted more than normal with a baby. CONSTANTLY washing and cleaning them and then worrying about the detergents left behind. And please, don't think cloth diapers will stop the rashes and outbreaks..if anything it can cause them. Cloth diapers allow urine to sit on or close to the skin, unlike disposable ones that wick it away from the skin...I'm just saying. I'm sure there are MANY types of cloth diapers out there..just give the powder a try first..$3.49 a bottle :)

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answers from Knoxville on

I used cloth diapers 20+ years ago. Back then you could buy diapers that were rectangular in shape and fold them smaller for the infants and larger as they grew. We just used plastic pant covers. My youngest (now 15) also had these waterproof covers with colors and designs. You had to get the correct size for what they needed. It seems that they had a special cloth diaper insert that you used with them as well. We kept a diaper pail with bleach water in it until we were ready to do the load of laundry. You said that your son breaks out so be careful with laundry soap and bleach, they can cause irritation as well.

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answers from Charlotte on

Hi H.,
I would like to respond to you privately -please email me at
Thanks, A.

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answers from Clarksville on

I used cloth diapers for a year with my first child & they were very affordable. I just had a new baby 4 months ago & I have returned to disposable diapers. I find them a lot easier since my children are only 1 year & five days apart. I do use Seven Generation diapers which are healthier for babies & for the enviroment. I get them at a good price at Toys Are Us. Good luck in your adventure with cloth diapers & if you ever go back to disposables you could check out Seven Generations brand as long as you don't mind paying. $ 12.00.

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answers from Louisville on

I used cloth diapers for all of about a week and a half They were such a pain you have to shake the poop out then let them soak for a while and then wash them. the house will stink you will have a ton more laundry to do and not to mention they dont hold all thoes goodies as well as disposable. its esp hard with a wiggly baby b/c you have to use thoes huge saftey pins. Thank god i never stuck my daughter but i did stick myself a few times. say your self the trouble and money on the ater bill and just do disposable.

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answers from Nashville on

Just adding my vote YEA for cloth diapering.

It was a bit daunting at first but it's just routine to run a load of diapers every other day now. And to those who wonder if it's working-mom compatible, I'm a fulltime payroll mom and it certainly IS. I can't imagine going back to throwing diapers away. It would make me sick to my stomach to waste that much money.

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answers from Charleston on

I have alot of cloth diapers i did attempt using them for a while my sister in law used them the entire time with her last child. Personally with the water expenses you arent really saving that much money and also no matter how often you change your child they will smell like pee which really bothered me. what brand of diapers do you normally use? i know that target brand are great and they only cost 13 bucks for a box that will last you for two weeks.

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answers from Raleigh on

Hi H.,
Cloth diapers are awesome. I am starting a diaper service in the triangle, Whether or not you use a service, cloth diapers are the way to go and are usually more cost-effective than disposables. If you have a good washer and some extra time, you can surely wash them yourself. Here are a few good resources:

Be sure to wash them with a soap that doesn't leave deposits- Charlie's or BioKleen are two good detergents.

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answers from Clarksville on

Hi! yes Cloth is SUPER affordable. even more so if you go with either prefolds or one size pockets like Butzie Covers (by Stitching Gifts) or KCKs. Either one make CD (cloth diapering) super cheap. You can get one size pockets for roughly $18 each.

If you are looking for used diapers, try or


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answers from Nashville on

I have never tried cloth diapers, but did consider them with my youngest child. The reason that I decided against them is that you can't use ointments with them because they don't wash out properly (although I think they sell liners for them now, but they may be pricey). Also, the moisture is not drawn away from the baby's little bottom so the diapers can actually increase the problem. I would suggest talking to the doctor and see what he/she says since your baby already is having problems. You may need to change to cloth because he may be allergic to something in the disposables. Cleaning them wouldn't be so bad, I don't think. Good luck!

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answers from Raleigh on

Hi H.,

I started using cloth diapers once I was staying at home D was about 9 months. If you are a working mom then it would be much more difficult. I've always been a big recyclor and when I took a huge bag out each week to the trash that I knew would NEVER decompose, I just couldn't do that to this beautiful Earth God gave us. ;) So, I tried it and love it! I do one load every two days.

Great tips already one here. Here are some to reiterate. ;)

*BASICS: You can either buy prefolds which needs pins or a snappi to hold together and a type of plastic cover. (3 pieces) OR you can buy made diapers that look more like disposables that have sewn on snaps or velcro to keep together. Some of those also already have the cover to keep leaks from getting on everything.

*Washing: I wash it first with detergent and softener on COLD. Then I do another wash on HOT with NO soaps. I do one more rinse in HOT. Then they are ready to be dried. If it is nice out I hang them to dry. (I don't even have a cloths line, but I hang them on hangers and hang from front porch. :)

*Potty training DOES come earlier too! :) They can feel the wet and poo more easily and don't like it.

*Even cloth diapers can irritate the skin... but if you change them really regularly (like as soon as they pee) then you shouldn't have a problem.

*You can go all out or cheap cheap! :) Cheap is on in your area no shipping or tax. Or Wal-Mart has the good ole pre-folds that are like a thick white cotton burp cloth. All out (for me) is fuzzibunz. I love them they have everything you need in one diaper... no three pieces etc. But they cost $20 each brand new!!! I plan to have lots of kids and reuse. :)

*If you use the prefolds, I use snappies with those. They are GREAT!! I have found on craigslist for a dollar! Much easier than pins.

*Another lady said to find nylon instead of vynal for the covers that go with prefolds... I can't wait to try that b/c she is right the vinal ones tear very easily and are a WAIST.

*The liners (someone mentioned buying from JCPenny) are great for catching poo and throwing it out. ;0)

*When thinking about this do remember the cost of detergent, water, and electricity to run extra laundry. Seems little but it does add up a little.

Hope this helps. I was a little overwhelmed at first, but once I got going I love it. Plus, with having a large family it will save me money in the long run. Please respond if you have any questions or need help. :)


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answers from Charlotte on

cloth dippers are good if you have a washing macjine i had to use them you can buy them at walmart i dont know how much they are cheap but they are a little more work my kid were the same way but they were also alegeery to the rubber pants which you will need you will need a least 24 dippers to start wiht good lick

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answers from Johnson City on

I bought our cloth diapers at Walmart. It's been almost 19 years ago now. I loved them!! I really did not see much inconvenience with them. My kids all seemed so much more comfortable in them. My neices and nephews were all in disposables. In the summer my kids would play outdoors in nothing but the cloth diaper with no plastic pant cover. We did not deal with the rashes that my sister and SIL did. I never had to deal with late night runs for disposables. You simply have to be organized with the laundry. It's def. worth the pay-off.

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answers from Raleigh on

Well being that I am older and wiser if I had my kids now I would use cloth diapers on all of them. It is the cost in the beginning that may change your mind. Cloth diapers are amazing now. They come with the plastic on the outside already and with velcro. They machine wash easily and you line dry or tumble dry. I know from my past use of them that it is nice to have a 5 gallon bucket with a cleaning solution of bleach and soap to put the diapers in after use to soak before washing. Line drying is much better than machine because it fades any stains you may not get out and it does not destroy or shrink the diaper. Washing them at the end of each day is best also so they do not set with the stain on them. A little extra work. With the money you save not buying diapers each month the extra work is worth it. Not to mention it is planet safe. Everybody is going green these days.

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answers from Charlotte on

I'm a CLOTH DIPE LOVER!!!! I have been using cloth diapers for 3 years. I started when my son was 10 mos old (He'll be 4 in Oct.). I have 8 mos old twins now that are using them. Honestly, if I can do it....ANYBODY CAN!!! I don't like doing ANY house work especially extra laundry BUT it's really not that big of a deal!!! They are A LOT CHEAPER, they are SO CUTE on your baby, good for the environment and easy on baby's bum! Ok, there are ALOT of diapers out there! I have used FUZZI BUNZ (love them), HAPPY HENIES (not sure about spelling on this one and I'm too lazy right now to go look)...I like these but I'm not too crazy about velcro dipes (just personal preference---they work beautifully), WAHMIES (One size) I love the one size dipes (I bought these with my twins) basically they adjust in the rise so that you can use them from birth to potty training (and I have used them in potty training my can slide them up and down easily and I called them his cloth pull-up (we mostly used at night) like a charm and saved us a TON of cash!!! The wahmies have hooks on the side that adjust (I like them but my husband and older daughter think they're a pain. If you look at this diaper you might want to just buy one to try. When I was researching new diapers when I was expecting my twins, I knew I wanted a one size diaper (fuzzi bunz---the diaper I used with my son didn't/doesn't to my knowledge have a one size so I had to start looking around). I decided to get a few different types to decide for myself what I liked best! I went to the Black Loin at Concord Mills they have a diaper stand in there store and I was able to purchase one of several types I was interested in. I will say, it's great to see the diapers in person and to buy one but I ended up buying the bulk of my dipes online at (they have AWESOME customer service and great deals)! If you spend over $99 shipping is free and they run promos ALL THE TIME!!! Oh, I have also used BUM GENIUS, they work well but again, not crazy about velcro (it's quick and easy but if you're not careful, it sticks to everything and fuzz, lint, etc. gets stuck in it). I will also say if you buy cloth dipes you will need to use a mild soap....I recommend Charlies Soap. Its one of the least expensive and works well. They send your order quick and it's free as long as you buy $30 or more. Ok, I could say more but I'll stop at that. Nevermind, one more thing....all the diapers I have used have been pocket diapers (that means that they have microfiber inserts that you stuff the waterpoof liner with). They seem to wash and dry well and I've been happy with them.

Best wishes on a groovy diaper experience-

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answers from Lexington on

I used cloth diapers years ago, and I'm glad to hear they're still around. Poopy diapers were a little inconvenient--I held them by one end while dippling the poopy end in the toilet and flushing, and that worked. Overall, I recommend them. Not only do they save money, but in my experience the kids who wore cloth diapers were much easy to potty-train. I put my two youngest into pull-ups (I have six). I would never do that again because they took forever to potty train.

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answers from Jackson on

I have been using cloth diapers for about a year now. There are so many styles of cloth diapers...each to fit your personality and life style. I like g diapers and now that gro baby has come out I am switching to those. Here is a website FULL of wonderful mamas that will answer any questions you might have. You can also buy used cloth diapers here...I did that at first when I was trying to decide which style I liked. I go on this site almost everyday. It is a good all around mama site...even has a forum called In the Kitchen with recipes and stuff. The forum you want to look at before you buy is called Diaper Chatter and Q & A. Wonderful!

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answers from Huntington on

oh yeah, they are a lot cheaper than disposables! They usually last thru 2 -5 babies, too. Start up cost is high, but saves lots of money in the long run. it's easy to find "boutique" diapers, but they are pretty expensive, even so, still cheaper than disposables in the long run, esp for large families. Cheaper cloth diapers can be found on line. Also you can usually find them in the stores catering to the Amish. I found a Mennonite store about an hour from me here I found plain white cloth prefold diapers for $12. a dozen. I believe Curity still makes the cloth diapers with velcro tabs, which I loved, but haven't tried to buy lately. The prefold are qicker to use, but take longer to dry than the "flat" (unfolded kind) The unfolded kind is easier to fit, in that you can fold it in a variety of ways to best fit your growing child. Gerber still makes cheap plastic diaper covers. You will want a diaper pail; a covered pail to soak the soiled diapers in until you wash them. "Snappi's" are a great little invention that grips diaper in place with little plastic teeth, so no need for diaper pins or velcro tabs (which are better than pins, but tend to get clogged with fuzz easily after the first few washes). I found Snappi's on ebay, very reasonabley priced. You only need a few, it only takes one to hold diaper on

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answers from Chattanooga on

Hey, I am using cloth on my second child, and just a bit of hope for you, they are not nearly as complicated as they seem!

The best website for purchasing and info that I have found is its been wonderful for me. The best advice is to wash in Charlies Soap (which in the end run is cheaper!!) And is just amazing... There all purpose cleaner is the best stain remover Ive ever tried...

I could pass on a ton of info if youd like, Ive learned a lot from all my trial and errors! If you have questions please feel free to email me!

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answers from Louisville on

Cloth diapers are a lot cheaper than disposable ones. I had used cloth diapers for all my 5 children. I do not know where you buy those here in the U.S. but in Japan and other asian countries, everybody uses cloth diapers. We also have what we call the diaper liners where you put it on top of the cloth so when the baby poops, all you throw away is the poop with the liners which is flushable. You will need 2 diaper clips on each side to hold the diaper in place. Usually, when they get older, we have what we call the plastic panties where we put the cloth diapers then without the clips, we just put the plastic panties on. Cloth diapers are very good for babies with really bad allergies. I do not know how to call that cloth but I would know right away when I see it. I am very sure they have that cloth here in the U.S. I have used those cloth diapers until around 10 months because all my children are all potty trained before they reach a year old. I tell you, with the economy right now, cloth diapers are a lot better than disposable diapers. I only use disposable diapers when we are out or in a park or going somewhere. Go for it, you'll be glad you did.

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