How old is he?
That will determine what you can use and the dosage.
Claritin, has kid versions.
I use Claritin. It works for me. Not for my Mom. She uses Zyrtec, I do not l like Zyrtec because it makes me feel weird.
Allergy meds, affects each person differently. And some brands work for some and not for others.
I just use Claritin, if/when I need it. Not every day.
There is also:
Allegra (prescription or over the counter)
or maybe Bendadryl (but it makes one drowsy.)
ONLY use kid versions/dosage that is specifically for kids.
As for natural remedies, just because it is natural, does not mean it is not harmful. These can build up toxicity as well. And if one is allergic to ragweed for example, you need to stay away from certain 'natural' remedies.
Or you see a Naturopath or Holistic Doctor. Otherwise, you will be 'guessing' on what to give your son, and it may make it worse.
There is a place/need for medications.
And/or natural remedies. BOTH can be harmful.
For INside the house, I suggest getting an air purifier/air filter, for his room or each room of the house.
My parents got me one when I was a child.... I had allergies to ANYTHING in the air, and I have Asthma.
Next, I have had allergies to airborne things since childhood. For me, it has gotten better the older I got. In those days, it was not medicated or treated like today. I didn't really bother me. But that is me. I just had a runny nose or watery eyes a lot. But is was not something extreme.
Even the air quality of any city, can affect allergies.
Your son has runny nose/cough symptoms.
So because he has runny nose... he is getting post-nasal drip.... and that causes 'coughing' since it drips down the throat and tickles the throat causing a cough reflex.
all the best,