When my parents divorced and it was just my mom, me and my sister left in the house.. Things changed..
Before then we could upset my dad and not even know what was coming. He was kind of a scary guy in our house.. Lots of yelling, lots of rules, lots of unexpected angry outburst.. and so it made us have lots of secrets.. it was kind of a survival thing. I am NOT saying this is your husband, just explaining what change was about to happen.
My mother told me and my sister. "from now on, things are going to be different. I need you to always tell me the truth.. I will make you a promise, if you tell me the truth, I will not be mad. I might be disappointed or my feelings may be hurt, but I will never be mad about the truth.. "
She has even to this day kept this promise to us. It has empowered me to be honest. to have no fear of just admitting my mistakes and bad choices.. also to accept that every one can make mistakes.
And so.. I think maybe if you tell your children that when they are told to do something.. It is for their sake. Not because you guys are the boss of them, but because you know what they need to be healthy and happy.
Also you are a family and will always love each other. And so you do not want to keep secrets from each other. Because secrets can hurt feelings and you know no one means to hurt anyone else feelings. Mom and dad do not keep secrets from each other because, you love each other too much.