Well, I REALLY like some CNM's. Sandra Bonare in the Avenues, and Julie Jones in Riverton. Both deliver at the hospitals and you can have an epidural. It's amazing how much they are there to support you during labor, and I've been impressed with their attentiveness, etc. With Julie, I had postpardum, and Julie was AMAZING! We tried new progesterone pills, and fish oil. Amazing. But if you need more, I'm sure that is fine. She also called to check on me.
BUT... lol...after saying all of that, you'd rather have a male OB. Which is totally fine. Oh, and Riverton is too far it looks like. I guess I was just giving a shout out to my favorites.
I've worked with some other doctors that I really like. One of them was Dr. Steven Thakeray. He was great at the birth. So was Dr. Hutchison. Those are the male Dr's that I feel respected women's wishes, desires, and knowledge. Good luck.