No, you did not overreact. You are your child's mother and who is this man to your child? He's just a man. He has no vested interest in your child. He is in the relationship for you,not your son and if your son is being treated unkindly then I'd suggest you put your son first and send the boyfriend packing. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but if this boyfriend has so little regard to your son at 3 years old, how will he treat your son when your son is older and really able to understand? A mother's priority should always be the best interest of her child(ren). Period. Does the boyfriend not have any children of his own? I would guess he does not so other than the interaction with your son, he really has no clue how to relate to a child. If the child's father is not in the picture and never will be there is no problem with allowing a child to call your husband (not boyfriend) daddy. Do you not think this will be confusing to your son should you break up with this man? Will he call every boyfriend, "Daddy?" If it were me, I would not live with any man I was not married to and most especially if children were involved because children form attachments so easily and what understanding will he have if boyfriend, (also known as daddy) is out of the picture for good? Children need stability and calling boyfriend "daddy" when he's not his father, and especially since there is no marriage between the two of you will only cause confusion for the child later on. You would be right to re-think this relationship, kick the boyfriend out in the meantime and stop confusing your son. Good luck with whatever decision you make.