I am an ana/mia who has been in recovery for 3 years now, but previously struggled with it for over 20+ years. At 86 lbs (I am 5'5'') I ended up in the hospital and from there I had to get treatment. At first it was IOP at Princeton House and they kicked me out for non compliance and tried to send me to several different IP hospitals. If you live in the Monmouth Cty area I would highly suggest getting an appt with Dr. Erwin. He had such a tremendous impact on my recovery and I met with him every week. His name was given to me from a friend who struggled with an ED for years and he helped her. It sounds like you would finally like to try to change (and I know how hard it was to stop because I didnt even when my doc told me that my internal organs would digest themselves or when I binged and purged so badly for so many days in a row I ended up in the ER for heart probs) It really isnt a joke that you could be found dead with your head in the toilet. One of the things that defintely helped me was getting into a great relationship with a supportive man. I started to think I was going to relapse when I was prego with my daughter bec when I finally got over the morning sickness (which never bothered me as a binge and purge gal) I started to make myslf sick a few times and thankfully I was able to rely on what I learned in treatment to stop it after a week. Now that I am prego again I am having a very tough time as it took me over a year to get back down to an acceptable size for me (which is anything 4 or less) and I often cry when I look at myself, but I again rely on the things I learned in treatment and try to redirect my feelings and definitely my actions. Since you have been struggling for so long I really think you need to seek professional assistance. Finally realizing that struggling with and ED took up so much time between planning binges, agonizing over meals, weight contests etc etc etc helped me start to take the counselling seriously and helped me with changing. Oh....and throw out your scale....I am serious....yes you will wonder what you weigh but it really helps in the end and it is best not to know. Hope this long ramble helps