Oooh I love this question! I already got a couple of overdue items off my list this morning, which was great. I was overdue with stopping by the school office to pickup PTA treasurer mail (checks, bills) and I was able to get that stop in, make an overdue bank deposit and mail some overdue checks on the way to work.
At work I am closing in on wrapping up a visible side project that came across my desk this week and has kept me working late several nights in a row. It will be good to wrap this up and focus on my regular work duties. I love when interesting things crop up but they can really screw up an already-tight workload.
Tonight I hope to leave here at 5, stop at the grocery store by 6 to pick up some things I need to bring to a school function tomorrow, go to Zumba at 7, have an hour of homework checking and bedtime stories with the kids, bake a batch of cookie bars and be in bed by 10.