Hi, Nicole :) When I read your request, I just had to respond. When I was little, my mom married someone just because she thought he'd be good for my sister and me. I'm sure she loved and cared for him, and he is a great guy. He was responsible, caring, and made us feel secure. However, they had no passion and excitement in their relationship as far as I was able to tell. They still don't...20 years later. I often times feel bad for my mom because she did what she thought was best for us. However, my sister and I kind of saw, and still see, their relationship as a friendship or companionship instead of what we think a marriage should be. My mom changed when she married him. We see their relationship as very stale. Because of that, there was a time in my early 20's (I'm 29 now) when I didn't ever want to get married because I looked at them and said, "Well geez...I think I'd have more fun by myself!" It seemed so boring and "loveless". I didn't want my life to turn out like that. Luckily, I got over that and am happily married. I am sad to admit, though, that I don't always show my husband the affection he deserves, and I attribute a lot of that to the example I had growing up. My advice is to marry someone whom you AND your daughter love. I was around 6 when my mom was dating, and today I don't even think I remember them or their break-ups. So I wouldn't worry about the long-term effects on her from breakups as I would the effects of growing up seeing a "stale" relationship as her model. Do what is right for both of you. As moms our first feeling is to do what's right for our kids. However, we can't do right by them until we do right for ourselves :). Best wishes to you, and let me know what you decide :) ~H.